Haily Secures RM38 Million Contract From Mah Sing For Housing Project
Haily Secures RM38 Million Contract From Mah Sing For Housing Project

Haily Group Berhad has announced a new contract win worth RM38.20 million which was awarded to its wholly-owned subsidiary, Haily Construction Sdn. Bhd. by Meridin East Sdn. Bhd. (a subsidiary of Mah Sing Group Berhad).
Haily Group Berhad 宣佈獲得一項價值 RM3820萬 的新合同,該合同由其全資子公司 Haily Construction Sdn. Bhd. 獲得,客戶爲 Meridin East Sdn. Bhd.(馬興集團控股的全資子公司)。
The project involves the construction of 168 units of double-storey terrace houses in Taman Bestari Perdana, Johor Bahru.
該項目涉及在柔佛州新山的 Taman Bestari Perdana 建設 168 套雙層排屋。
"We are delighted to work with Meridin East once again to deliver quality homes in Johor Bahru," said Mr. See Tin Hai, Founder and Executive Director of Haily. "This contract win reinforces our expertise in residential construction and our commitment to meeting the needs of both developers and homebuyers."
「我們很高興再次與 Meridin East 合作,爲新山交付優質房屋,」Haily 創始人兼執行董事 See Tin Hai 先生說道。「這項合同的成功獲得鞏固了我們在住宅施工方面的專業知識,以及我們滿足開發商和購房者需求的承諾。」
The project, located in Parcel 1B, Taman Bestari Perdana, will be developed in three phases: Phase 1B1 (59 units), Phase 1B2 (61 units), and Phase 1B3 (48 units). The contract also includes the construction of a Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) substation and 2 units of show houses.
該項目位於 Parcel 10億,Taman Bestari Perdana,將分三個階段開發:第一階段 1B1(59 套)、第一階段 1B2(61 套)和第一階段 1B3(48 套)。合同還包括建設 Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) 變電所和 2 套展示房。
Haily Construction will undertake piling, main building works, ancillary infrastructure, and mechanical and electrical installations. Each phase is expected to be completed within 15 months, with the TNB substation and show houses to be completed within 6 months and 4 months, respectively.
Haily Construction 將承擔樁基、主體建築工程、輔助基礎設施及機械電氣安裝。每個階段預計在 15 個月內完成,TNB 變電所和展示房將分別在 6 個月和 4 個月內完成。
With this latest award, its total secured contract value for 2024 has risen to approximately RM770.61 million, significantly exceeding the RM272.14 million secured in 2023. The Company's number of ongoing projects has grown to 26, with a cumulative total contract value exceeding RM1.14 billion.
憑藉這項最新的合同,其 2024 年的總合同保障價值已上升至約 RM77061萬,顯著超過 2023 年的 RM27214萬。公司的在建項目數量已增長至 26 個,累計合同總值超過 RM11.4億。