
SaverOne Launches New Pilot Project in Italy With Trans Italia

SaverOne Launches New Pilot Project in Italy With Trans Italia

SaverOne在意大利與Trans Italia啓動新的試點項目
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/09 21:00

Trans Italia is a Leading Logistics & Transportation Company Operating Over 300 Trucks

Trans Italia是一家領先的物流與運輸公司,運營超過300輛卡車

Petah Tikvah, Israel., Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SaverOne 2014 Ltd. (Nasdaq: SVRE, TASE: SVRE), a technology company that develops and sells advanced transportation safety solutions, is pleased to announce the launch of a new pilot project with Trans Italia, a prominent Italian logistics and transportation company well known for its eco-friendly, efficient, and intermodal transport solutions throughout Italy and beyond. This pilot marks a further and significant step in SaverOne's expansion into the Italian market and its broader European growth strategy.

以色列佩塔提克瓦,2024年12月09日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- SaverOne 2014有限公司(納斯達克:SVRE,特拉維夫證券交易所:SVRE)是一家開發和銷售先進運輸安全解決方案的科技公司,欣然宣佈與Trans Italia,這家在意大利及其他地區以環保、高效和多式聯運運輸解決方案而聞名的著名物流和運輸公司,開展新的試點項目。該試點標誌着SaverOne在意大利市場擴張以及更廣泛的歐洲增長策略的重要一步。

The pilot project involves the installation of SaverOne's innovative driver safety system in an initial group of Trans Italia's trucks. This initiative will demonstrate the system's ability to prevent distractions while driving and highlight its potential to enhance road safety. With a fleet of over 300 trucks, Trans Italia offers substantial growth potential for SaverOne and provides a strategic platform to showcase its technology to the Italian logistics and eco-friendly transport sectors.

該試點項目包括在Trans Italia的一組卡車中安裝SaverOne創新的駕駛員安全系統。該舉措將展示該系統在駕駛過程中防止分心的能力,並突出其提高道路安全的潛力。Trans Italia擁有超過300輛卡車,爲SaverOne提供了可觀的增長潛力,併爲其技術在意大利物流和環保運輸領域展示提供了戰略平台。

This collaboration was made possible through SaverOne's Italian partner, Mr. Tal Yhie, and its regional distributor, GVZ Components. The installations are being carried out in partnership with TBS, SaverOne's installation partner in the region, establishing a foundation for expanding installation capacity throughout Italy.

此次合作得益於SaverOne的意大利合作伙伴Tal Yhie先生及其區域分銷商GVZ元件。安裝工作正在與TBS合作進行,TBS是SaverOne在該地區的安裝合作伙伴,爲在整個意大利擴展安裝能力奠定了基礎。

"This pilot project with Trans Italia demonstrates our increase in traction within Italy," said Ori Gilboa, CEO of SaverOne. "We are thrilled to collaborate with a forward-thinking company like Trans Italia to demonstrate the value of our technology in improving the safety of their fleet and reducing distracted driving amongst their drivers. We believe this pilot will pave the way for increased adoption of our solutions within Italy and across Europe."

"這個與Trans Italia的試點項目展示了我們在意大利的影響力在不斷增加,"SaverOne的首席執行官Ori Gilboa表示。"我們很高興能與像Trans Italia這樣具有前瞻性的公司合作,展示我們的技術在提高其車隊安全性和減少駕駛員分心駕駛中的價值。我們相信這個試點項目將爲我們在意大利及整個歐洲的解決方案更廣泛的採用鋪平道路。"

Sergio Rotondo, Trans Italia's Fleet Manager added, "Safety is a core value for Trans Italia, and we are committed to adopting innovative technologies that help us achieve that goal. SaverOne's system aligns perfectly with our mission to enhance the safety of our drivers, our fleet, and the communities we serve. We are excited to see the impact of this pilot project and look forward to a long-term and successful collaboration with SaverOne."

Trans Italia的車隊經理Sergio Rotondo補充說:"安全是Trans Italia的核心價值,我們致力於採用創新技術來幫助實現這一目標。SaverOne的系統與我們提升駕駛員、安全的車隊和我們所服務社區的使命完全一致。我們很高興看到這個試點項目的影響,並期待與SaverOne建立長期成功的合作關係。"

About the SaverOne System


SaverOne's system is installed in vehicles to solve the problem of driver distraction, as a result of drivers using distracting applications on their mobile phones while driving in a way that endangers their safety and the safety of their passengers. This phenomenon is considered one of the leading causes of global road accidents. According to the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the annual cost of road accidents just in the United States stands at about $870 billion each year, excluding the costs of serious injury or death, with a quarter of those accidents estimated to be related to the use of the mobile phones while driving. SaverOne's technology specifically recognizes the driver area in the vehicle. It prevents the driver from accessing distracting applications such as messaging while allowing others (navigation as an example) without user intervention or consent, creating a safer driving environment.


SaverOne's primary target markets include commercial and private vehicle fleets interested in reducing potential damages and significant costs, vehicle manufacturers interested in integrating safety solutions into their vehicles, and insurance and leasing companies. SaverOne initially addresses car fleets with a focus on the Israeli, European, and US markets and other markets worldwide. SaverOne believes that an increased focus on monitoring and prevention of cellular distraction systems in vehicles, driven by upcoming expected EU regulation, will likely have a dramatic positive impact on the demand for its systems in the future.


The Company's strategy is to provide its technology to customers in the aftermarket and address OEM vehicle manufacturers to integrate the Company's protection technologies during the vehicle manufacturing process.


About SaverOne


SaverOne is a technology company that designs, develops, and commercializes OEM and aftermarket solutions and technologies to lower the risk of and prevent vehicle accidents.


SaverOne's initial product line is a suite of solutions that saves lives by preventing car accidents resulting from distraction from using mobile phones while driving. SaverOne is also developing a sensor system for early location and direction detection under all visibility conditions of vulnerable road users (VRU) through their cellphone footprint.


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Forward Looking Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act and other securities laws that are subject to substantial risks and uncertainties. All statements, besides those of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release include but are not limited to, statements regarding SaverOne's strategic and business plans, technology, relationships, objectives, and expectations for its business, the impact of trends on and interest in its business, intellectual property or product and its future results, operations, and financial performance and condition and may be identified by the use of words such as "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "seek," "may," "might," "plan," "potential," "predict," "project," "target," "aim," "should," "will" "would," or the negative of these words or other similar expressions. However, not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are based on SaverOne's current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions about future events that may not prove accurate. Many factors could cause SaverOne's actual activities or results to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to: the ability of our technology to substantially improve the safety of drivers; SaverOne's planned level of revenues and capital expenditures and its ability to continue as a going concern; the success of the pilot with Trans Italia; SaverOne's ability to further broaden products and services in Italy and the rest of Europe; SaverOne's ability to maintain its listing on the Nasdaq Capital Market; the ability of SaverOne's technology to substantially improve the safety of drivers; its ability to market and sell its products; its plans to continue to invest in research and development to develop technology for both existing and new products; SaverOne's intention to advance its technologies and commercialization efforts; SaverOne's intention to use local distributors in each country or region in which it conducts business to distribute products or technology; SaverOne's plan to seek patent, trademark and other intellectual property rights for products and technologies in the United States and internationally, as well as its ability to maintain and protect the validity of currently held intellectual property rights; SaverOne's expectations regarding future changes in its cost of revenues and operating expenses; SaverOne's expectations regarding its tax classifications; interpretations of current laws and the passage of future laws; acceptance of its business model by investors; the ability to correctly identify and enter new markets; the impact of competition and new technologies; general market, political and economic conditions in the countries in which SaverOne operates; projected capital expenditures and liquidity; SaverOne's intention to retain key employees, and its belief that it will maintain good relations with all employees; a resurgence of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on business and industry; as well as other risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, the risks detailed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on March 25, 2024 and in subsequent filings with the SEC. Forward-looking statements in this announcement are made as of this date, and SaverOne undertakes no duty to update such information except as required under applicable law.

本新聞稿包含《私人證券訴訟改革法案》及其他證券法所定義的「前瞻性陳述」,這些陳述面臨着相當大的風險和不確定性。本新聞稿中包含的所有陳述,除歷史事實外,均爲前瞻性陳述。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性陳述包括但不限於關於SaverOne的戰略和業務計劃、科技、關係、目標及其對業務的期望、趨勢對其業務的影響及其知識產權或產品的興趣及未來結果、運營和財務表現與狀況等的陳述,並可能通過使用「預期」、「相信」、「考慮」、「可能」、「估計」、「期待」、「打算」、「尋求」、「也許」、「計劃」、「潛在」、「預測」、「項目」、「目標」、「旨在」、「應該」、「將會」、「會」這些詞或這些詞的否定形式或其他類似表達來識別。然而,並非所有前瞻性陳述均包含這些詞。前瞻性陳述基於SaverOne當前的期望,並面臨固有的不確定性、風險和假設,這些都是難以預測的。此外,某些前瞻性陳述基於對未來事件的假設,這些假設可能並不準確。許多因素可能導致SaverOne的實際活動或結果與這些前瞻性陳述中所預期的材料上有所不同。導致實際結果與這些前瞻性陳述中所表達或暗示的內容顯著不同的因素包括但不限於:我們科技在實質上提高司機安全性的能力;SaverOne預期的收入和資本支出水平及其繼續經營的能力;與Trans Italia的試點成功;SaverOne在意大利及其他歐洲國家進一步拓展產品和服務的能力;SaverOne維持其在納斯達克資本市場上市的能力;SaverOne科技實質上提高司機安全性的能力;其市場營銷和銷售產品的能力;其繼續投資研發以開發現有和新產品科技的計劃;SaverOne推進其技術和商業化努力的意圖;SaverOne打算在其開展業務的每個國家或地區使用當地分銷商來分銷產品或技術;SaverOne尋求在美國和國際上爲產品和技術申請專利、商標及其他知識產權的計劃,以及其維護和保護目前持有的知識產權有效性的能力;SaverOne對未來成本及營業費用變化的預期;SaverOne對其稅務分類的預期;對現行法律的解釋及未來法律的通過;投資者對其商業模式的接受程度;正確識別並進入新市場的能力;競爭和新技術的影響;SaverOne運營所在國家的一般市場、政治和經濟狀況;預計的資本支出和流動性;SaverOne打算保留關鍵員工的意圖,以及其相信將與所有員工保持良好關係;新冠疫情的復發及其對業務和行業的影響;以及其他風險和不確定性,包括但不限於在2024年3月25日向美國證券交易委員會(「SEC」)提交的公司年度報告20-F表格中詳細說明的風險及後續向SEC提交的文件中的風險。本公告中的前瞻性陳述截至本日期作出,SaverOne不承擔更新此類信息的義務,除非根據適用法律的要求。

International Investor Relations Contact:
Ehud Helft
+1 212 378 8040
+1 212 378 8040

