
Hamilton Lane Named a 'Best Place to Work in Money Management' For the 13th Consecutive Year by Pensions & Investments

Hamilton Lane Named a 'Best Place to Work in Money Management' For the 13th Consecutive Year by Pensions & Investments

hamilton lane 連續第13年被《養老金與投資》評爲「最佳投資管理工作地點」
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/09 20:00

Recognition comes as the firm receives several industry awards that reflect both innovation and private markets leadership


CONSHOHOCKEN, Pa., Dec. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Leading private markets investment management firm Hamilton Lane (Nasdaq: HLNE) today was named a "Best Place to Work in Money Management" by Pensions & Investments ("P&I") for the 13th year in a row. The firm has been recognized every year since the award's creation in 2012 – notably one of only five firms to receive this special honor.

賓夕法尼亞州康舒霍肯,2024年12月9日 / PRNewswire / -- 領先的私募市場投資管理公司 Hamilton Lane (納斯達克: HLNE) 今日被養老金與投資(P&I)評選爲"最佳财富管理工作場所",這是該公司連續第13年獲此殊榮。自2012年該獎項創立以來,該公司每年都被認可——值得注意的是,它是僅有的五家公司之一,獲得這個特別榮譽。

"At Hamilton Lane, we know that our people are our most valuable asset and the core of our success. We take pride in fostering a workplace that nurtures both professional and personal development," said Kristin Brandt, Chief Human Resources Officer. "Being recognized as one of the Best Places to Work in Money Management once again is a testament to our culture of collaboration, ingenuity and inclusion – and the exceptional team we have built globally."

"在 Hamilton Lane,我們知道員工是我們最寶貴的資產,也是我們成功的核心。我們爲營造一個既促進職業發展又支持個人成長的工作環境而自豪,"首席人力資源官 Kristin Brandt 說道。"再次被認可爲最佳财富管理工作場所之一,證明了我們在協作、獨創性和包容性方面的文化,以及我們全球團隊的卓越。"

In addition to the P&I Best Places to Work recognition, across 2024 Hamilton Lane has received a number of industry awards that reflect the firm's commitment to innovation and leadership:

除了P&I最佳工作場所的認可,Hamilton Lane 在2024年還獲得了多個行業板塊獎項,反映了該公司對創新和領導力的承諾:

  • The Private Equity Women Investor Network ("PEWIN") named Hamilton Lane 'North American LP of the Year,' showcasing the firm's demonstrated commitment to encouraging, supporting and empowering women investors in the private equity industry.
  •'s Industry Awards recognized the firm's AI joint venture with TIFIN, Helix by HL, in the New Product Development category. It also recognized the firm's private wealth content library, the Knowledge Center, as a finalist in the Thought Leadership category. These awards highlight Hamilton Lane's commitment to utilizing technology and education to help empower investors to participate in the long-term value creation opportunities within private markets.
  • Financial Newswire's Fund Manager of the Year Awards named the Hamilton Lane Global Private Assets Fund (AUD) as 'Private Equities Fund Manager of the Year'.
  • Insurance Asset Risk's Americas Awards named Hamilton Lane 'Alternatives Manager of the Year'.
  • The Canadian Hedge Fund Awards awarded Hamilton Lane's Global Private Assets Fund first place for three-year returns among private equity offerings in Canada.
  • A number of leaders across Hamilton Lane were also recognized in 2024 for their contributions to the industry.
  • 私募股權女性投資者網絡(PEWIN)將 Hamilton Lane 評選爲"北美年度有限合夥人",展示了該公司在鼓勵、支持和賦能女性投資者在私募股權行業中的堅定承諾。
  • 的行業獎項表彰了該公司與 TIFIN 的人工智能合作項目 Helix by HL,在新產品開發類別中。此外,該公司的私人財富內容庫知識中心也被評爲思想領導類別的決賽入圍者。, 這些獎項突顯了 Hamilton Lane 利用科技和教育幫助投資者參與私募市場長期價值創造機會的承諾。
  • 金融新聞社的基金經理年度獎項將 hamilton lane 全球私募資產基金(aud)評選爲「股權投資基金經理年度獎」。
  • 保險資產風險的美洲獎項將 hamilton lane 評選爲「另類投資經理年度獎」。
  • 加拿大對沖基金獎項將 hamilton lane 的全球私募資產基金在加拿大股權投資產品中三年回報評爲第一。
  • 2024年,hamilton lane 的多位領導者因其對行業的貢獻而獲得認可。

Co-CEOs Juan Delgado and Erik Hirsch shared the following statement: "We are incredibly proud of our firm and our team. These accolades reflect the hard work and dedication of our employees in striving to provide institutional and individual investors around the world with the best, most innovative investment solutions across the private markets. We celebrate our accomplishments and look forward to continuing to set the bar even higher."


Pensions & Investments' Best Places to Work in Money Management awards are dedicated to identifying the best employers in the industry, and include an annual survey done in partnership with Best Companies Group. For a complete list of the 2024 Pensions & Investments Best Places to Work in Money Management winners and write-ups, click here.


About Hamilton Lane
Hamilton Lane (Nasdaq: HLNE) is one of the largest private markets investment firms globally, providing innovative solutions to institutional and private wealth investors around the world. Dedicated exclusively to private markets investing for more than 30 years, the firm currently employs approximately 730 professionals operating in offices throughout North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and the Middle East. Hamilton Lane has more than $947 billion in assets under management and supervision, composed of more than $131 billion in discretionary assets and approximately $816 billion in non-discretionary assets, as of September 30, 2024. Hamilton Lane specializes in building flexible investment programs that provide clients access to the full spectrum of private markets strategies, sectors and geographies. For more information, please visit our website or follow Hamilton Lane on LinkedIn.

關於Hamilton Lane
hamilton lane(納斯達克:HLNE)是全球最大的私募市場投資公司之一,爲全球的機構和私人財富投資者提供創新解決方案。該公司專注於私募市場投資已有30多年,目前約有730名專業人士在北美、歐洲、亞太地區和中東的辦公室工作。截至2024年9月30日,hamilton lane 管理和監督的資產超過9470億,其中管理的可自由支配資產超過1310億,非自由支配資產約爲8160億。hamilton lane 專注於建立靈活的投資程序,使客戶可以接觸到全面的私募市場策略、行業和地域。有關更多信息,請訪問我們的網站或在LinkedIn上關注hamilton lane。

SOURCE Hamilton Lane

資料來源:Hamilton Lane




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