
Hyperscale Data Issues Business Update to Stockholders

Hyperscale Data Issues Business Update to Stockholders

GlobeNewswire ·  2024/12/09 19:30

Company in Negotiations to Develop and Lease its Michigan Data Center in a Significant Transaction


LAS VEGAS, Dec. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hyperscale Data, Inc. (NYSE American: GPUS), a diversified holding company ("Hyperscale Data," or the "Company"), today issued a letter from its Chief Executive Officer to its valued stockholders.

拉斯維加斯,2024年12月9日(環球新聞)-- 超大規模數據公司(紐交所:GPUS),是一家多元化控股公司("超大規模數據"或"公司"),今天發佈了首席執行官致其尊敬的股東的信件。

Dear Stockholders,


As Chief Executive Officer of the Company, I wish to share the latest updates and insights into the Company's strategic direction.


Hyperscale Data has achieved many milestones during 2024, and we believe those achievements will drive long term growth and shareholder value. In September of this year, we changed our name to Hyperscale Data and alerted the market of our intention to focus on the development of our Michigan data center (the "Data Center"). This is a strategic departure from our historical operations in which we focused on multiple industries as a diversified holding company. However, by year-end, we will have completed a one-time dividend of Series F Exchangeable Preferred Stock (the "Preferred Stock") to all common stockholders and holders of our Series C Convertible Preferred Stock (the "Dividend"). The Dividend is important because our stockholders retain ownership of valuable businesses as we separate our non-core businesses held by Ault Capital Group, Inc. ("ACG") from our data center business.

超級規模數據在2024年取得了許多里程碑,我們相信這些成就將推動長期增長和股東價值。今年9月,我們更名爲超級規模數據,並告知市場我們計劃專注於密歇根數據中心("數據中心")的開發。這是我們歷史性運營中一個戰略性的轉變,以往我們作爲多元化控股公司關注多個行業。然而,到年底,我們將完成對所有普通股股東和我們的系列C可轉換優先股("股息")持有者的一次性系列F可交換優先股("優先股")的分紅。該股息之所以重要,是因爲我們的股東在我們將Ault Capital Group, Inc.("ACG")持有的非核心業務與我們的數據中心業務分開的過程中,仍然保留對有價值企業的所有權。

The Dividend was structured to provide holders of the Preferred Stock with an efficient means to exchange their shares into common stock of ACG. ACG is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hyperscale Data whose subsidiaries presently comprise all of Hyperscale Data's subsidiaries, other than those entities that own or operate our Data Center. Specifically, the ACG entities, among other businesses, include our crane rental business, lending business, and hotel and real estate business. The completion of this dividend and the subsequent exchange into common stock of ACG, which we expect will be substantially completed by December 2025, is central to our corporate reorganization because Hyperscale Data will become a pure play organization focused solely on data center operations, and better situated to fully develop the Data Center.

該股息的結構旨在爲優先股股東提供一種有效的方式,將其股份轉換爲ACG的普通股。ACG是Hyperscale Data的全資子公司,其子公司目前包括Hyperscale Data所有的子公司,除了那些擁有或運營我們數據中心的實體。具體而言,ACG實體,除了其他業務,包括我們的起重機租賃業務、貸款業務以及酒店和房地產業務。我們預計到2025年12月,該股息的完成及隨後轉爲ACG的普通股將基本完成,這對我們的公司重組至關重要,因爲Hyperscale Data將成爲專注於數據中心運營的純粹企業,更加適合充分發展數據中心。

The Data Center, a 617,000 square foot facility located on a 34.5-acre site, was acquired in January 2021 by our wholly owned subsidiary, Alliance Cloud Services, LLC. Since we acquired the Data Center, we have increased the power load from 1.5 megawatts ("MW") to approximately 30 MW and the utility company that serves the Data Center has indicated that it has the ability to expand the capacity up to approximately 300 MW. Initial development included establishing an approximate 100,000 square foot section of the building following Uptime Institute's Tier III guidance for primary electrical systems, a focus on physical security utilizing various surveillance techniques, multi-layered access and 24x7 onsite manned operations, and implementing multi-carrier geographically diverse routing for network connectivity.

數據中心是一個617,000平方英尺的設施,位於一個34.5英畝的場地上,2021年1月由我們全資的子公司Alliance Cloud Services, LLC收購。自我們收購數據中心以來,我們將電力負荷從1.5兆瓦("MW")提高到大約30 MW,服務該數據中心的公用事業公司已經表明,它有能力將容量擴大到大約300 MW。初步開發包括根據Uptime Institute的Tier III指導爲主要電氣系統建立一個大約100,000平方英尺的建築部分,注重物理安全,利用各種監控技術,實施多層次訪問以及24x7現場有人操作,併爲網絡連接實施多載波地理多樣性路由。

We are currently in discussions with the utility and a top tier national real estate developer to both expand the power load of the Data Center and develop a plan for infrastructure upgrades necessary to support the growing demands of high-performance computing ("HPC") services powering Artificial Intelligence ("AI") solutions. This will be a multi-year project that could cost between $5 million and $10 million per MW of critical load required to support the operations of mission critical data center equipment, which we estimate would be around 200 MW, assuming a total power load of 300 MW, which includes power for support infrastructure and non-critical administrative systems. At the high end of our range, a build out project of this scale could cost $2 billion and likely require us to partner with a top-tier real estate developer and well capitalized customers to justify an investment of this magnitude. We believe the scarcity of available power presents a significant opportunity for the data center business. We are encouraged by our current discussions with potential partners, and we expect to execute a non-binding term sheet with a nationally recognized commercial real estate company for development of the Data Center and we ultimately expect to host HPC services for a well-capitalized hyperscaler.

我們目前正在與公用事業公司和一家頂級國家房地產業開發商討論,旨在擴大數據中心的電力負荷,並制定基礎設施升級計劃,以支持日益增長的高性能計算("HPC")服務需求,這些服務爲人工智能("AI")解決方案提供動力。這將是一個多年的項目,預計每兆瓦的關鍵負荷所需的成本將在500萬到1000萬之間,以支持關鍵的數據中心設備的操作,我們估計這會在200 MW左右,假設總電力負荷爲300 MW,其中包括支持基礎設施和非關鍵管理系統的電力。在我們區間的高端,這種規模的建設項目可能會花費20億美元,並且可能需要我們與頂級房地產開發商和資金充足的客戶合作,以證明投資這一規模的合理性。我們相信,電力供應的稀缺爲數據中心業務帶來了重大機會。我們對與潛在合作伙伴的當前討論感到鼓舞,我們預計將與一家國家認可的商業房地產公司簽署一份非約束性意向書,以開發數據中心,我們最終預計將爲資金充足的超大規模服務商提供HPC服務。

Bolstered by rapid advancements and demand for next generation technologies that power large-language models, such as ChatGPT, the energy demand from data centers is expected to nearly double by 2030 and AI will be the largest driver. Importantly, we are at the inception phase of this AI movement, much like the Internet during the 1990's. In 1990, few recognized the opportunity that the Internet would provide to small companies to capitalize on online commerce, personalization and the capacity to expand knowledge. Yet, by 1999, we had witnessed small companies overcome large, entrenched companies because they were more adaptive and able to leverage the Internet in such a way as to create new customer experiences and forge long-term relationships.


We intend to emulate this proven strategy and focus on long-term relationships and a market leadership position. Given the amount of capital necessary for our development plans and the long-term nature of the hosting arrangements we expect to consummate, we will primarily pursue relationships with well capitalized companies and in that regard, we are currently in discussions to lease the data center under long-term leases, with our emphasis initially on the existing 30 MW. Once we have consummated leases for the existing power capacity, we will turn to the entire expected available capacity of 300 MW.

我們打算模仿這一經過驗證的策略,專注於長期關係和市場領導地位。鑑於我們發展計劃所需的資本金額以及我們預計達成的託管協議的長期性質,我們將主要尋求與資本雄厚的公司建立關係。在這方面,我們目前正在討論以長期租賃的方式租賃數據中心,最初重點關注現有的30 MW。一旦我們達成現有電力容量的租賃協議,我們將轉向總可用容量的300 MW。

Stockholders can review comparable transactions, such as the contract that Core Scientific, Inc. announced in June of this year, for more information on what potential contracts will mean for Hyperscale Data. The long-term hosting agreement announced by Core Scientific is expected to generate total aggregate revenue of more than $3.5 billion during the initial 12-year contract term on approximately 200 MW of critical power to host HPC services. We are seeking to enter into similar agreements and expect these agreements would result in significant revenue increases over the next 8-12 years. We are excited about replicating such success with our Michigan facility, which we believe will house a major hyperscaler customer in the foreseeable future. Inquiries for our Michigan facility span top-tier companies looking to establish long-term leases, leveraging the site's potential to support AI advancements.

股東可以查看可比交易,例如Core Scientific, Inc.在今年6月宣佈的合同,以獲取有關潛在合同將對Hyperscale Data產生的意義更多信息。Core Scientific宣佈的長期託管協議預計在初始的12年合同期內,產生超過35億的總營業收入,涵蓋約200 MW的關鍵電力,以支持高性能計算服務。我們希望進入類似的協議,並預計這些協議將在未來的8-12年內帶來顯著的收入增長。我們對在密歇根州設施複製這種成功感到興奮,我們相信在可預見的未來,將擁有一家主要的hyperscaler客戶。針對我們密歇根州設施的詢盤涵蓋了頂尖公司,這些公司希望建立長期租賃,以利用該地區支持人工智能進步的潛力。

Our strategy is not without risk, it requires significant investment and the ability to attract well capitalized companies to partner with us. Currently, we have not yet entered into a non-binding term sheet for the development of the Data Center. Further, if our discussions result in the execution of a non-binding term sheet, consummation of a transaction would still be subject to execution of definitive documents, customary due diligence and approvals of the parties, which may not occur. Our development of the Data Center will also be subject to the Company's receipt of state regulatory approvals, which it may or may not obtain. Lastly, our success will ultimately reside in our ability to attract a credit-worthy customer to contract for our HPC services, assuming we successfully develop the Data Center as we plan. While we are optimistic, we recognize these are significant challenges. During 2025, we will face well-funded competition, development challenges and the risk of execution. However, the HPC data center market should prove to be a very large market capable of supporting a number of companies and we believe that Hyperscale Data will be one of the companies that benefit. I am optimistic about the future and remain committed to maximizing stockholder value. We appreciate your continued support as we forge ahead in this promising landscape.

我們的策略並非沒有風險,它需要大量投資和吸引資本雄厚的公司與我們合作的能力。目前,我們尚未就Data Center的開發簽署非約束性條款清單。此外,如果我們的討論導致簽署非約束性條款清單,交易的完成仍需簽署確定性文件、進行常規盡職調查以及各方的批准,且這些可能不會發生。我們對Data Center的開發也將受到公司獲得國家監管批准的限制,這些批准可能會獲得,也可能不會。最後,我們的成功最終依賴於我們吸引到一個有信譽的客戶,與我們簽訂HPC服務合同,假設我們成功開發了Data Center。雖然我們持樂觀態度,但我們也認識到這些都是重大挑戰。在2025年,我們將面對資金充裕的競爭、開發挑戰和執行風險。然而,HPC數據中心市場應該會證明是一個非常大的市場,能夠支持多家公司,我們相信Hyperscale Data將是其中受益的一家公司。我對未來持樂觀態度,並將繼續致力於最大化股東價值。我們感謝您在這個充滿希望的環境中持續支持我們。

Thank you for your steadfast trust and commitment to our shared future.




William B. Horne, Chief Executive Officer


For more information on Hyperscale Data and its subsidiaries, Hyperscale Data recommends that stockholders, investors, and any other interested parties read Hyperscale Data's public filings and press releases available under the Investor Relations section at or available at

有關Hyperscale Data及其子公司的更多信息,Hyperscale Data建議股東、投資者和任何其他有興趣的各方閱讀Hyperscale Data的公開文件和新聞稿,可在投資者關係欄目或www.sec.gov下方查看。

About Hyperscale Data, Inc.

關於Hyperscale Data,Inc.

Hyperscale Data is transitioning from a diversified holding company pursuing growth by acquiring undervalued businesses and disruptive technologies with a global impact to becoming solely an owner and operator of data centers to support high performance computing services. Through its wholly and majority-owned subsidiaries and strategic investments, Hyperscale Data owns and operates a data center at which it mines Bitcoin and offers colocation and hosting services for the emerging artificial intelligence ecosystems and other industries. It also provides, through its wholly owned subsidiary, Ault Capital Group, Inc., mission-critical products that support a diverse range of industries, including a social gaming platform, equipment rental services, defense/aerospace, industrial, automotive, medical/biopharma and hotel operations. In addition, Hyperscale Data is actively engaged in private credit and structured finance through a licensed lending subsidiary. Hyperscale Data's headquarters are located at 11411 Southern Highlands Parkway, Suite 240, Las Vegas, NV 89141.

超大規模數據正在從一家多元化的控股公司轉變,旨在通過收購被低估的企業和具有全球影響力的顛覆性技術來追求增長,逐漸成爲僅僅擁有和運營idc概念的公司,以支持高性能計算服務。通過其全資及控股子公司和戰略投資,超大規模數據擁有並運營一座idc概念,在那裏進行比特幣挖礦併爲新興的人工智能生態系統和其他行業提供共址和託管服務。此外,超大規模數據還通過其全資子公司Ault Capital Group, Inc.提供關鍵任務產品,支持包括社交遊戲平台、設備租賃服務、軍工股/航空航天、工業、汽車、醫療/生物製藥和酒店運營在內的多種行業。此外,超大規模數據還通過一家有執照的貸款子公司積極參與私人信貸和結構融資。超大規模數據的總部位於內華達州拉斯維加斯南高地公園大道11411號240室,郵政編碼89141。

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These forward-looking statements generally include statements that are predictive in nature and depend upon or refer to future events or conditions, and include words such as "believes," "plans," "anticipates," "projects," "estimates," "expects," "intends," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "may," "will," "should," "could," "potential," or similar expressions. Statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties.


Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and the Company undertakes no obligation to update any of them publicly in light of new information or future events. Actual results could differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement as a result of various factors. More information, including potential risk factors, that could affect the Company's business and financial results are included in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, including, but not limited to, the Company's Forms 10-K, 10-Q and 8- K. All filings are available at and on the Company's website at .


Hyperscale Data Investor Contact: or 1-888-753-2235


