
Ortega Taps Schafer Condon Carter as New Agency of Record

Ortega Taps Schafer Condon Carter as New Agency of Record

Ortega聘請Schafer Condon Carter作爲新代理機構
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/06 22:00

SCC expands presence in CPG with brand building efforts for the Ortega brand's wide portfolio of Mexican foods, including America's #1 taco sauce


CHICAGO, Dec. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Schafer Condon Carter (SCC), a Chicago-based independent creative agency, is proud to announce its new partnership with Ortega, a leading brand of Mexican food products including taco shells, taco kits, Mexican seasonings, peppers and the number-one-selling brand of taco sauce in the United States. This collaboration aims to elevate the Ortega brand's visibility and marks a significant step in SCC's expansion in the food and beverage sector, continuing SCC's legacy of crafting compelling campaigns for beloved brands.

芝加哥,2024年12月6日 /PRNewswire/ -- Schafer Condon Carter (SCC),一家位於芝加哥的獨立創意機構,自豪地宣佈與 奧爾特加一家領先的墨西哥食品品牌,包括炸玉米餅、炸玉米餅盒、墨西哥調味料、辣椒以及美國銷量第一的炸玉米餅醬。此次合作旨在提升Ortega品牌的知名度,並標誌着SCC在食品和飲料板塊擴張的重要一步,繼續傳承SCC爲知名品牌打造引人注目的活動的傳統。

SCC will lead creative efforts and develop a refreshed media plan to highlight the Ortega brand's iconic taco sauces and full range of Mexican food products. The initiative aims to engage in-aisle Mexican food consumers through innovative approaches to solidify the Ortega brand's presence in kitchens everywhere.


"We're thrilled to partner with such a trusted brand in the Mexican food space," said Ben Behrman, CEO and President of SCC. "Our team is eager to leverage our expertise in the food and beverage sector to create a fresh, impactful campaign that deepens the Ortega brand's connection with consumers."

「我們很高興能與如此值得信賴的墨西哥食品品牌合作,」SCC的首席執行官兼總裁Ben Behrman表示。「我們的團隊渴望利用我們在食品和飲料板塊的專業知識,創造一項新鮮而有影響力的活動,加深Ortega品牌與消費者的連接。」

"The Ortega brand aligns perfectly with SCC's commitment to creating innovative, bold strategies and award-winning work that drives results," said Craig Miller, Chief Creative Officer at SCC. "Our goal is to reimagine the Ortega brand by creating a campaign that truly speaks to consumers' love of Mexican food and introduces their products to a new generation of shoppers."

「Ortega品牌與SCC致力於創造創新、大膽的策略和屢獲殊榮的作品,推動成果的承諾完美契合,」SCC首席創意官Craig Miller表示。「我們的目標是重新構想Ortega品牌,通過創造一個真正傳達消費者對墨西哥食品熱愛的宣傳活動,將他們的產品介紹給新一代的購物者。」

"We are excited to partner with SCC to build on the Ortega brand's legacy with a forward-thinking, creative approach as we introduce exciting and fun new products to our loyal customers and those discovering us for the first time," said Chris Kirwin, Director of Brand Marketing, B&G Foods. "As a leader in the category with America's #1 Taco Sauce, SCC is the right marketing partner to help us reach even more consumers through a strategic mix of media, compelling creative and experiential marketing that meets them where they are."

「我們很高興與SCC合作,以前瞻性、創造性的方式繼續擴展Ortega品牌的遺產,同時向我們忠實的客戶和首次發現我們的顧客推出令人興奮和有趣的新產品,」B&G Foods品牌營銷總監Chris Kirwin說。「作爲類別中的領導者,擁有美國第一的塔可醬,SCC是幫助我們通過戰略性媒體、引人注目的創意和體驗式營銷接觸更多消費者的合適營銷合作伙伴。」

To announce this exciting new partnership with the Ortega brand, the SCC team created a special video — to view, click here.


The Ortega account marks the latest in a series of new business successes for SCC, which was recently named Agency of Record for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council following a nationwide search. SCC is also expanding into the education sector with a national campaign for Fusion Academy, a network of private schools focused on personalized, one-to-one learning for students who learn differently. The campaign debuted at Fusion Academy's internal conference, EPIC!, in October.

Ortega帳戶標誌着SCC一系列新業務成功的最新成果,SCC最近被指定爲美國高叢藍莓協會的記錄機構,經過全國範圍的搜索。SCC還在教育板塊擴展,推出了一項針對Fusion Academy的全國性活動,該網絡是一所專注於爲不同學習方式的學生提供個性化、一對一學習的私人學校。該活動於10月在Fusion Academy的內部會議EPIC!上首發。

For more information about Schafer Condon Carter visit .

有關Schafer Condon Carter的更多信息,請訪問。

For more information about Ortega products or Mexican meal inspiration, please visit .

有關Ortega產品或墨西哥餐靈感的更多信息,請訪問。 .

Founded in 1989, SCC is an independently owned, full-service creative agency with a simple mission: Create. Impact. Headquartered in Chicago's Fulton Market neighborhood, with additional offices in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Phoenix, Arizona, SCC exists to build powerful client partnerships and create work that delivers business results, meaningful human experiences and growth for their team members. The agency is proud to work with incredible brands including B&G Foods, Kellanova, WK Kellogg Co., Gallagher Insurance, Old National Bank, SOLO Cup Company, Dynatrace, G.U.M. Brands, and Medline. SCC has been named Ad Age Small Agency of the Year (Midwest, Gold/Silver) three times and recently won two Chicago/Midwest Regional Emmy Awards. For more information, visit .

Founded in 1989, SCC is an independently owned, full-service creative agency with a simple mission: Create. Impact. Headquartered in Chicago's Fulton Market neighborhood, with additional offices in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Phoenix, Arizona, SCC exists to build powerful client partnerships and create work that delivers business results, meaningful human experiences and growth for their team members. The agency is proud to work with incredible brands including B&G Foods, Kellanova, Wk Kellogg Co., Gallagher Insurance, Old National Bank, SOLO Cup Company, Dynatrace, G.U.m. Brands, and Medline. SCC has been named Ad Age Small Agency of the Year (Midwest, Gold/Silver) three times and recently won two Chicago/Midwest Regional Emmy Awards. For more information, visit .

About B&G Foods
Based in Parsippany, New Jersey, B&G Foods, Inc. (NYSE: BGS) and its subsidiaries manufacture, sell, and distribute high-quality, branded, shelf-stable frozen foods across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. With B&G Foods' diverse portfolio of more than 50 brands you know and love, including B&G, B&M, Bear Creek, Cream of Wheat, Crisco, Dash, Green Giant, Las Palmas, Le Sueur, Mama Mary's, Maple Grove Farms, New York Style, Ortega, Polaner, Spice Islands and Victoria, there's a little something for everyone. For more information about B&G Foods and its brands, please visit .

About B&G Foods
Based in Parsippany, New Jersey, B&G Foods, Inc. (NYSE: BGS) and its subsidiaries manufacture, sell, and distribute high-quality, branded, shelf-stable frozen foods across the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. With B&G Foods' diverse portfolio of more than 50 brands you know and love, including B&G, B&m, Bear Creek, Cream of Wheat, Crisco, Dash, Green Giant, Las Palmas, Le Sueur, Mama Mary's, Maple Grove Farms, New York Style, Ortega, Polaner, Spice Islands and Victoria, there's a little something for everyone. For more information about B&G Foods and its brands, please visit .

SOURCE Schafer Condon Carter

SOURCE Schafer Condon Carter




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