
Big Gains Ahead? Analysts Back Pavilion REIT After Strategic Acquisitions

Big Gains Ahead? Analysts Back Pavilion REIT After Strategic Acquisitions

未來大幅收益?分析師在戰略收購後支持Pavilion REIt
Business Today ·  2024/12/06 10:58

Pavilion REIT has received a BUY recommendation from MIDF Amanah Investment Bank (MIDF Research), RHB Investment Bank Bhd (RHB Research) and Maybank Investment Bank (Maybank IB), with target prices ranging between RM1.69 and RM1.74.

Pavilion REIT已收到MIDF Amanah投資銀行(MIDF Research)、RhB投資銀行有限公司(RhB Research)和馬來亞銀行投資銀行(Maybank IB)的買入建議,目標價格在1.69令吉至1.74令吉之間。

The analysts highlighted the recent acquisition of Banyan Tree Kuala Lumpur and Pavilion Hotel Kuala Lumpur for RM480 million, which are expected to be completed by the second half of 2025, will be accretive to earnings, though some caution over potential short-term dilution of earnings per unit (EPU) due to the funding structure.


RHB Research and Maybank IB raised concerns over the short-term dilutive impact on dividends per unit, which they believe will be offset by the strong long-term potential of the hotels and their operating synergies with Pavilion KL.

RhB Research和Maybank Ib對單位股息的短期稀釋影響表示擔憂,他們認爲酒店強大的長期潛力及其與吉隆坡展館的運營協同效應將抵消這種影響。

MIDF Research noted that the acquisition marks Pavilion REIT's diversification into the hotel segment, with the two hotels expected to generate a fixed annual rental income of RM33.5 million, yielding 7%. While MIDF Research predicts a 9% dilution in EPU post-placement of new units, it expects the acquisitions to boost the financial year of 2026 (FY26) earnings by 10.6%.

MIDF Research指出,此次收購標誌着Pavilion REIT向酒店領域的多元化發展,預計這兩家酒店將產生3350萬令吉的固定年租金收入,收益率爲7%。儘管MIDF Research預測新單位投放後的EPU將稀釋9%,但它預計這些收購將使2026財年(FY26)的收益增長10.6%。

RHB Research, meanwhile, believes the acquisitions will provide a 7% yield and offer potential long-term synergies with Pavilion KL.

同時,RhB Research認爲,這些收購將提供7%的收益率,並與吉隆坡展館提供潛在的長期協同效應。

Maybank IB, also positive on the deal, increased their FY25 and FY26 earnings forecasts by 4% and 8% respectively, and expects a 0.7% accretion to EPU and 4.6% to DPU in FY25 and FY26.


All three analysts noted that the acquisitions would provide stability to Pavilion REIT's portfolio, with a focus on the positive outlook for Malaysia's hotel industry, driven by increased tourist arrivals.

三位分析師均指出,此次收購將爲Pavilion REIT的投資組合提供穩定,重點是受遊客增加的推動,馬來西亞酒店業的前景樂觀。

