
Island Hospital Acquisition: A Game-Changer For IHH Healthcare

Island Hospital Acquisition: A Game-Changer For IHH Healthcare

Business Today ·  12/06 09:51

RHB Investment Bank Bhd (RHB Research) has maintained its BUY recommendation for IHH Healthcare Bhd with an unchanged target price of RM9.10, offering a 25% upside from its current price of RM7.30. The research house highlighted the positive outlook following a recent visit to IHH Healthcare's hospitals in Penang, particularly emphasising the strategic acquisition of Island Hospital (IHSB) that will solidify IHH Healthcare's position as a leader in Penang's thriving health tourism sector.

興業銀行投資銀行有限公司(RhB Research)維持了對IHH Healthcare Bhd的買入建議,目標價爲9.10令吉不變,較目前的7.30令吉上漲25%。該研究機構強調了在最近訪問檳城IHH Healthcare醫院後的樂觀前景,特別強調了對島嶼醫院(IHSB)的戰略收購,這將鞏固IHH Healthcare作爲檳城蓬勃發展的健康旅遊行業領導者的地位。

The integration of Island Hospital into IHH Healthcare's portfolio alongside Gleneagles Hospital Penang and Pantai Hospital Penang is expected to strengthen the group's foothold in the region. The analysts observed that IHSB, recognised as a top-tier health tourism hospital, caters to a foreign-to-local patient mix of 60:40. This reflects its ability to deliver world-class patient outcomes, which aligns with Penang's reputation as Malaysia's most established health tourism destination, generating RM750 million in pre-pandemic health tourism revenue.

島嶼醫院與檳城鷹閣醫院和檳城班台醫院併入IHH Healthcare的投資組合,預計將加強該集團在該地區的立足點。分析師觀察到,被公認爲頂級健康旅遊醫院的IHSB以 60:40 的比例爲國外與本地患者提供服務。這反映了其提供世界一流患者療效的能力,這與檳城作爲馬來西亞最成熟的健康旅遊目的地的聲譽一致,在疫情前創造了75000萬令吉的健康旅遊收入。

Penang's demographics further support this optimism. As one of Malaysia's most densely populated states with 1.8 million residents and the fifth-highest average household income, the region boasts strong demand for high-quality healthcare services. Penang's cultural and geographic proximity to Medan, Indonesia, enhances its appeal to health tourists, with its shared heritage and medical tourist-friendly infrastructure providing added incentives.


The acquisition of Island Hospital, completed in November, was financed through an RM4 billion sukuk with a competitive sub-4% funding cost. RHB Research projects IHSB will contribute 20% of IHH Malaysia's Malaysia EBITDA by 2025, with EBITDA growth expected to reach 40% next year. Analysts also forecast that the acquisition will become earnings accretive by 2026 after accounting for associated costs, including RM260 million in depreciation and finance charges.

對島嶼醫院的收購於11月完成,由40令吉的伊斯蘭債券融資,融資成本低於 4%。RhB Research預計,到2025年,IHSB將貢獻IHH馬來西亞息稅折舊攤銷前利潤的20%,明年的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤增長預計將達到40%。分析師還預測,考慮到相關成本,包括26000萬令吉的折舊和財務費用,到2026年,此次收購將增加收益。

However, no changes have been made to the earnings estimates for IHH Healthcare as the anticipated contributions from IHSB had already been factored into earlier projections.

但是,由於IHSB的預期捐款已計入先前的預測,因此IHH Healthcare的收益估計沒有變化。

RHB Research remains bullish on IHH, citing its strong regional footprint, robust expansion pipeline to increase bed capacity by 33% by 2028 and resilient demand for healthcare services. However, the house cautions that risks such as lower-than-expected patient volumes and revenue intensity could impact the outlook.

RhB Research仍然看好IHH,理由是其強大的區域足跡,到2028年將牀位容量增加33%的強勁擴張渠道以及對醫療服務的彈性需求。但是,衆議院警告說,患者數量低於預期和收入強度等風險可能會影響前景。

