
What's Going On With Jumia Shares Thursday

What's Going On With Jumia Shares Thursday

Benzinga ·  2024/12/06 02:53

Jumia Technologies AG (NYSE:JMIA) shares are trading higher on Thursday after the company announced a year-over-year increase in orders and gross merchant value for the two months ended Nov. 30.

jumia technologies AG (紐交所:JMIA) 的股票在週四交易中上漲,因爲公司宣佈截至11月30日的兩個月訂單和總商戶價值同比增加。

The Details: Jumia specifically announced that orders totaled 4.3 million, up 18% year-over-year, with 62% of orders placed during the company's Black Friday event. Jumia said this reflects that customers continue to respond to Jumia's value proposition and diversified product supply.


"We are thrilled with the results of our Black Friday sales event, which helped drive what we see as strong results across our key usage KPIs in the first two months of the fourth quarter," said Jumia's CEO, Francis Dufay.

jumia首席執行官Francis Dufay表示:"我們對黑色星期五銷售活動的結果感到興奮,這推動了我們在第四季度前兩個月關鍵使用指標上強勁的表現。"

In addition, the company announced that gross merchandise volume increased by 33% in the two months ended Nov. 30.


"We achieved solid growth in orders and GMV in constant currency as ongoing strategic initiatives to diversify our supply, streamline our logistics network, and expand upcountry take hold. At a pivotal moment in Jumia's trajectory, our results reinforce our belief that we have the right strategy and the right team in place to drive e-commerce adoption and serve the growing African consumer base while moving towards profitable growth," said Dufay.

"在不斷推動供應多樣化、簡化物流網絡和擴展內陸業務的戰略舉措下,我們在訂單和總商戶價值方面實現了穩定增長。在jumia發展軌跡的關鍵時刻,我們的結果鞏固了我們對擁有正確策略和團隊來推動電子商務普及、服務日益增長的非洲消費群體以及朝着盈利增長邁進的信心," Dufay說道。

JMIA Price Action: At the time of publication, Jumia shares are trading 22.0% higher at $4.63, according to data from Benzinga Pro.

JMIA價格走勢:根據Benzinga Pro的數據,截至出版時,jumia的股票上漲22.0%,報4.63美元。

Image: Courtesy of Jumia Technologies AG

圖片:感謝jumia technologies AG

