KinderCare Kids Scholarship Applications Open for the 2025-2026 Academic Year
KinderCare Kids Scholarship Applications Open for the 2025-2026 Academic Year
Scholarship will support alumni from the KinderCare family of brands in their pursuit of a college education
獎學金將支持 KinderCare 品牌家庭的校友們追求大學教育
LAKE OSWEGO, Ore., Dec. 5, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KinderCare Learning Companies (NYSE: KLC) opened the application process for the 2025-2026 KinderCare Learning Companies Kids Scholarship Fund, available to alumni from all its brands for the upcoming academic year.
奧勒貢湖,俄勒岡州,2024年12月5日 / PRNewswire / - KinderCare Learning Companies(紐交所:KLC)已開放申請程序,申請2025-2026學年 KinderCare Learning Companies Kids 獎學金基金,供應所有品牌的校友們申請。
The KinderCare Learning Companies' Kids Scholarship Fund was created to celebrate the accomplishments of alumni from KinderCare Learning Centers, Champions before- and after-school programs, and The Crème de la Crème School who are heading to college or continuing their college education.
KinderCare Learning Companies 兒童獎學金基金旨在慶祝 KinderCare Learning Centers,Champions 學前和學後項目以及 The Crème de la Crème 學校的校友們取得的成就,他們即將上大學或繼續他們的大學教育。
"At KinderCare, we believe that each child deserves a solid educational foundation. By investing in their future and supporting opportunities for growth, we are helping unlock their potential and empowering them to pursue their dreams. We know that when we invest in children today, we are creating the leaders and innovators of tomorrow," said KinderCare Learning Companies Chief Academic Officer Dr. Marquita Davis.
「在 KinderCare,我們相信每個孩子都應該擁有牢固的教育基礎。通過投資他們的未來並支持增長機會,我們正在幫助釋放他們的潛能,鼓勵他們追求夢想。我們知道,當我們今天投資孩子時,我們正在創造未來的領導者和創新者,」 KinderCare Learning Companies 首席教務官 Marquita Davis 博士說。
Launched in 2019, the scholarship program has helped more than 100 students further their education. This year, up to 20 alumni will receive scholarships of $5,000 each for the 2025-2026 school year. Previous recipients are welcome to reapply since the program is renewable.
Applications will be accepted now through March 3, 2025. Eligible applicants must be enrolled for the 2025-2026 school year in an accredited two- or four-year college. Scholarship recipients will be notified in June 2025. To learn more about the scholarship, get answers to frequently asked questions, and apply, click here.
About KinderCare Learning Companies
A leading provider early childhood and school-age education and care, KinderCare builds confidence for life in children and families from all backgrounds. KinderCare supports hardworking families in 40 states and the District of Columbia with differentiated flexible child care solutions to meet today's dynamic work environment:
關於KinderCare Learning Companies
作爲提供早期兒童和學齡兒童教育和照料的領先供應商,KinderCare 在所有背景的孩子和家庭中培養生活信心。KinderCare 爲40個州和哥倫比亞特區的辛勤工作的家庭提供差異化靈活的兒童照護解決方案,以滿足當今的動態工作環境:
- In neighborhoods, with KinderCare Learning Centers that offer early learning programs for children six weeks to 12 years old,
- In The Crème de la Crème School, which offers a premium early education experience using a variety of enrichment classrooms; and
- In local schools, with Champions before- and after-school programs.
- 在社區中,有KinderCare學習中心爲6周至12歲的兒童提供早期學習課程,
- 在The Crème de la Crème學校,提供高端的早期教育體驗,利用各種豐富的課程;並且
- 在本地學校,提供Champions課後和早前課程,
KinderCare partners with employers nationwide to address the child care needs of today's dynamic workforce. We provide customized family care benefits for organizations, including care for young children on or near the site where their parents work, tuition benefits, and backup care where KinderCare programs are located.
KinderCare programs meet the highest standards, validated by independent, third-party evaluation including:
- Gallup, measuring workforce engagement,
- National Association for the Education of Young Children, ensuring individual early learning center quality,
- Cognia, accreditation for before- and after-school programs
- BRIGANCE and TerraNova assessments of children's academic progress and achievement, and
- WELL Health-Safety Rating, validating health and safety practices in our facilities.
- Gallup,衡量員工參與度,
- 全國青少兒教育協會,確保個體早期學習中心質量,
- Cognia,評估課後和早前課程的認證
- BRIGANCE和TerraNova評估兒童學術進展和成就,並
- WELL健康安全評級,驗證我們設施中的健康和安全實踐。
Headquartered in Lake Oswego, Oregon, KinderCare operates nearly 2,500 early learning centers and sites. In 2024, KinderCare earned its eighth Gallup Exceptional Workplace Award – one of only two current organizations worldwide to achieve this milestone for eight consecutive years. To learn more, visit
總部位於俄勒岡州奧斯威戈湖,KinderCare經營近2500家早期學習中心和場所。在2024年,KinderCare榮獲第八屆蓋洛普優秀工作場所獎 - 全球僅有兩家目前的組織連續八年蟬聯此殊榮。要了解更多信息,請訪問。
Colleen Moran
KinderCare Learning Companies
503-872-1300, option 3
[email protected]
Colleen Moran
KinderCare Learning Companies
[email protected]
SOURCE KinderCare Learning Companies
來源 KinderCare 學習公司