Canopy Growth's Seasonal Essentials for Gifting, Gathering, and Unwinding
Canopy Growth's Seasonal Essentials for Gifting, Gathering, and Unwinding
Holiday cheer starts here—elevate the season with festive flavours and fresh favourites featuring the latest and greatest from Canopy's premium product portfolio
SMITHS FALLS, ON, Dec. 4, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Canopy Growth Corporation ("Canopy Growth" or the "Company") (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC), a world-leading cannabis company dedicated to unleashing the power of cannabis to improve lives, announced today the launch of two holiday-inspired cannabis products from Tweed, including a sugar-free Cranberry Ginger Ale and Tweed Snowtorious 91K flower, to bring a little extra cheer to the season's festivities.
史密斯福爾斯,安大略省,2024年12月4日 /PRNewswire/ - canopy growth公司("canopy growth"或"公司")(tsx: weed)(納斯達克: cgc),一家致力於釋放大麻力量改善生活的全球領先大麻公司,今天宣佈推出兩款假日靈感的大麻產品,由Tweed推出,包括一種無糖的蔓越莓姜啤酒和Tweed Snowtorious 9.1萬花,旨在爲節日的慶祝活動增添一些特別的歡樂。
Tweed Cranberry Ginger Ale
With a crisp, refreshing flavour, Tweed Cranberry Ginger Ale pays homage to a classic Canadian favourite, reimagined for the holidays. Enjoy this sugar-free cannabis beverage with 10mg of THC.
Tweed蔓越莓姜啤酒以清脆而清新的風味致敬經典的加拿大最愛,爲假日重新構想。享受這種每瓶含10mg THC的無糖大麻飲料。
Tweed Snowtorious 91K
This holiday-inspired flower is a true seasonal delight. Tweed Snowtorious 91K is a bold and frosty indica with minty and diesel aromas. It's a cross between popular cultivars Kush Mints (Animal Mints x Bubba Kush) and 91K (Chemdawg 91 x OG Captain Krypt), set to bring some holiday magic to any winter scene.
Tweed Snowtorious 91K
這款受假日啓發的花朵是真正的季節性享受。Tweed Snowtorious 9.1萬是一種大膽而冰霜的印度大麻,散發薄荷和柴油的香氣。它是流行品種Kush Mints(動物薄荷 x Bubba Kush)與9.1萬(Chemdawg 91 x OG Captain Krypt)的交叉,旨在爲任何冬季場景帶來一些假日魔力。
"At Canopy, innovation is at the heart of everything we do – and this holiday season, we're lighting up celebrations with unique, seasonal products designed to connect with Canadian adult use consumers in a fun way," said Dave Paterson, President, Canada, Canopy Growth. "Each of these offerings reflects our commitment to creativity while staying true to our focus on quality. Whether you're gathering with friends or unwinding after a long winter's day, these seasonal offerings can help elevate any experience."
"在canopy growth,創新是我們一切工作的核心—在這個假日季節,我們用獨特的季節性產品點燃慶祝活動,旨在以有趣的方式與加拿大成年消費者連接," 加拿大canopy growth總裁Dave Paterson說道。"這些產品每一個都反映了我們對創造力的承諾,同時保持對質量的關注。無論你是與朋友聚會還是在漫長冬日之後放鬆,這些季節性產品都能提升任何體驗。"
If you're looking for a stocking stuffer or want something personal to celebrate the end of a long year, 7ACRES Ultra Jack flower and Claybourne Frosted Flyers Infused Pre-Rolls offer a high quality and premium experience for any enthusiast.
如果你在尋找聖誕襪內的小禮物,或者想要一些個人化的東西來慶祝漫長一年的結束,7ACRES Ultra Jack花朵和Claybourne Frosted Flyers注入預捲菸爲任何愛好者提供了高質量和優質的體驗。
7ACRES Ultra Jack
With aromas that evoke the holidays, 7ACRES Ultra Jack is a terpene rich sativa-dominant hybrid created by crossing cultivars Ultra Sour with renowned 7ACRES Jack Haze. Experience a citrus kick with undertones of earthy spice.
7ACRES Ultra Jack
7ACRES Ultra Jack散發着節日的氣息,是一種富含萜烯的以撒維主導雜交品種,通過將Ultra Sour與著名的7ACRES Jack Haze交叉培育而成。體驗柑橘的衝擊和泥土香料的底蘊。
Claybourne Froster Flyers
Experience some California love this holiday season with Claybourne's Frosted Flyers infused pre-rolls. New in Canada, Claybourne Frosted Flyers offer high potency and nonstop flavour from start to finish and are available in Blue Dream, Strawberry Cough, Pineapple Express, Grape Gasolina, and Banana OG as part of a 1.5g 3-pack or a 5 x 0.5g (2.5g total) Variety Pack.
Claybourne Frosted Flyers
在這個假日季節,體驗一些加利福尼亞的愛與Claybourne的Frosted Flyers注入預捲菸。在加拿大新上市的Claybourne Frosted Flyers從開始到結束都提供高效能和不停的風味,提供的品種有藍夢、草莓咳嗽、菠蘿快車、葡萄氣體和香蕉OG,作爲1.5克3包或5 x 0.5克(總共2.5克)的多樣包裝。
These offerings from Canopy Growth will be available for purchase via legal recreational cannabis e-commerce channels and retail locations in select regions in addition to the Spectrum Therapeutics online store for authorized medical cannabis consumers.
這些來自canopy growth的產品將通過合法的休閒大麻電子商務渠道和選定地區的零售地點進行銷售,此外還提供給授權的醫療大麻消費者在Spectrum Therapeutics在線商店購買。
About Canopy Growth
Canopy Growth is a world leading cannabis company dedicated to unleashing the power of cannabis to improve lives.
關於Canopy Growth
Canopy Growth是全球領先的大麻公司,致力於釋放大麻的力量以改善人們的生活。
Through an unwavering commitment to our consumers, Canopy Growth delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel.
通過對消費者無微不至的承諾,Canopy Growth提供以優質和主流大麻品牌爲重點的創新產品,包括Doja、7ACRES、Tweed和Deep Space,以及由德國的Storz & Bickel製造的定義類別的蒸汽器技術。
Canopy Growth has also established a comprehensive ecosystem to realize the opportunities presented by the U.S. THC market through an unconsolidated, non-controlling interest in Canopy USA. Canopy USA has closed the acquisitions of approximately 77% of the shares of Jetty and 100% of Wana. Jetty owns and operates Jetty Extracts, a California-based producer of high-quality cannabis extracts and pioneer of clean vape technology, and Wana is a leading North American edibles brand. The option to acquire Acreage, a vertically integrated multi-state cannabis operator with principal operations in densely populated states across the Northeast and Midwest, has also been exercised.
Canopy Growth還建立了一套完整的生態系統,以實現美國大麻股市場所帶來的機遇,通過對Canopy USA的非控制、非主導權益的投資。Canopy USA已經完成收購Jetty約77%的股份和Wana 100%的股份。Jetty擁有並運營Jetty Extracts,這是一家總部位於加利福尼亞州的高品質大麻提取物生產商,是清潔霧化技術的先驅,而Wana則是一家領先的北美食品品牌。還行使了收購Acreage的選擇權,Acreage是一家垂直整合的跨多州大麻運營商,主要業務遍佈東北部和中西部人口稠密州。
Beyond its world-class products, Canopy Growth is leading the industry forward through a commitment to social equity, responsible use, and community reinvestment – pioneering a future where cannabis is understood and welcomed for its potential to help achieve greater well-being and life enhancement.
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SOURCE Canopy Growth Corporation
來源:Canopy Growth公司