
NBA Champ Jason Williams Says Marijuana Enhances Creativity On Court But Not 'Good Idea' Before Game

NBA Champ Jason Williams Says Marijuana Enhances Creativity On Court But Not 'Good Idea' Before Game

Benzinga ·  01:16

The National Basketball Association (NBA) has not been testing players for marijuana use since April 2023. Some questioned the move, while others praised it, including rapper, cannabis entrepreneur and advocate Snoop Dogg.


Former NBA player Jason Williams, who played from 1998 to 2011, said even if marijuana had been legal during his playing days, he wouldn't have used it before games.


Williams admitted he experimented with cannabis during his years in court. However, he didn't believe it made him a better player. Marijuana enhanced his creativity and imagination on the court, Williams said.


"I don't think anyone should probably smoke before a game, Williams told Basketball Network. "For some people, it might help them, and I'm sure it does, but for me, smoking before a game wouldn't be a good idea."


Comparing marijuana to alcohol, Williams, who is nicknamed "White Chocolate," argued alcohol is "way worse for an athlete." He said marijuana use was less harmful compared to the risks associated with alcohol.

綽號 「白巧克力」 的威廉姆斯將大麻比作酒精,認爲酒精 「對運動員來說要糟糕得多」。他說,與酒精相關的風險相比,使用大麻的危害較小。

"After a game or whatnot, you go home and smoke one. It ain't like you're going to go out to the club, drinking a beer, speeding, or doing DUI things like that," Williams said. "If anybody thinks that marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug, they've never smoked it."

「玩完遊戲之類的,你回家抽菸。這不像你要去俱樂部、喝啤酒、超速行駛或做酒後駕車之類的事情,」 威廉姆斯說。「如果有人認爲大麻是一種增強性能的藥物,那就永遠不會抽大麻了。」

Read Also: NBA's Historic Agreement Lifts Marijuana Ban, Allows Players To Invest In Companies


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NBA Players Venturing Into Cannabis

NBA 球員冒險進入大麻領域

Some NBA players have even ventured into the marijuana industry, launching and operating their own cannabis businesses.


NBA Hall of Famer and sports legend-turned-cannabis entrepreneur Isiah Thomas has made his dreams come to life.


The ex-Detroit Piston is CEO and chairman of One World Products Inc. (OTC:OWPC), the largest Black-controlled, licensed hemp and cannabis producer in Colombia. One of his missions is to produce hemp cars.

前底特律活塞公司是One World Products Inc.(場外交易代碼:OWPC)的首席執行官兼董事長,該公司是哥倫比亞最大的黑人控制的持牌大麻和大麻生產商。他的任務之一是生產大麻汽車。

According to last year's agreement with Stellantis, one of the largest automakers worldwide and owner of Chrysler, Citroën, Dodge, Fiat, Jeep, Peugeot and other portfolio brands, OWP agreed to develop and supply hemp-based bioplastic components for cars' interiors and exteriors.


Meanwhile, two-time NBA champion Lamar Odom has teamed up with CBD dispensary Higher Life CBD in 2022 becoming a co-owner of the company.

同時,兩屆NBA冠軍拉瑪爾·奧多姆已在2022年與CBD藥房Higher Life CBD合作,成爲該公司的共同所有者。

Other NBA players who opted for the same move include Gary Payton and Carmelo Anthony, to name a few.


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