
Diane Leopold to Retire From Dominion Energy

Diane Leopold to Retire From Dominion Energy

道明尼資源 ·  2024/12/02 13:00

RICHMOND, Va., Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) today announced that Diane Leopold, executive vice president and chief operating officer, will retire on June 1, 2025, after a 36-year career in the energy industry, the past 30 of which she has spent at Dominion Energy. Leopold will remain chief operating officer, executive vice president, and a key member of the company's leadership team until June 1. During this transitional period Leopold will begin to transfer utility and contracted energy responsibilities to Ed Baine, currently president-Dominion Energy Virginia, who will become president-Utility Operations and Dominion Energy Virginia, and Eric Carr, currently chief nuclear officer, who will become chief nuclear officer and president-Nuclear Operations and Contracted Energy. Keller Kissam, president-Dominion Energy South Carolina, will report to Baine in his new role. Leopold will retain operational oversight of all major construction projects including the Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind project (CVOW) and Charybdis, the first Jones Act-compliant turbine installation vessel in the U.S.

維吉尼亞州里士滿,2024年12月2日 /PRNewswire/ -- 德明能源(紐交所:D)今天宣佈,執行副總裁兼首席運營官黛安·利奧波德將在2025年6月1日退休,結束她在能源行業長達36年的職業生涯,其中30年在德明能源工作。利奧波德將在6月1日之前繼續擔任首席運營官、執行副總裁以及公司領導團隊的關鍵成員。在這一過渡期,利奧波德將開始將公用事業和合同能源職責轉交給現任德明能源維吉尼亞區總裁的埃德·貝恩,他將成爲公用事業運營和德明能源維吉尼亞的總裁,以及現任首席核官的埃裏克·卡爾,他將成爲首席核官和核運營及合同能源的總裁。現任德明能源南卡羅來納州總裁的凱勒·基薩姆將在新角色中向貝恩彙報。利奧波德將繼續對所有重大施工項目進行運營監督,包括海岸維吉尼亞海上風電項目(CVOW)和查里布底斯,這是美國首個符合瓊斯法的渦輪機安裝船。


Bob Blue, chair, president, and chief executive officer, said:

董事長、總裁兼首席執行官Bob Blue表示:

"Diane is one of the brightest, most dedicated, and most capable people in our company and in our industry. Over her 36 years in the utility industry, she's demonstrated best-in-class performance in nearly all areas of operations, business development, financial planning, corporate strategy, as well as the construction of several multibillion-dollar energy infrastructure projects. It has been my honor and privilege to work with her for the last 19 years. We will miss her thoughtful, detail-oriented, and highly personal leadership. When she retires in June, she'll leave behind a deep and capable bench of talented leaders, including Ed and Eric, due to her deliberate focus on developing her team members."


Leopold joined Dominion Energy in 1995 and became an officer in 2004. She held a wide range of executive roles in operational, financial, and commercial areas throughout the company. She became Dominion Energy's executive vice president and co-chief operating officer in 2019 and assumed her current role in 2020.

利奧波德於1995年加入Dominion Energy,並於2004年成爲高管。她在公司內擔任過多種運營、財務和商業領域的高管角色。她於2019年成爲Dominion Energy的執行副總裁和共同首席運營官,並於2020年擔任當前職位。

Leopold's leadership in the energy sector includes the Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited, where she is a board member, and the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America and the American Gas Association, both of which she served as a past-chair. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for Markel Group. She also serves on the boards of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation, GROW Capital Jobs Foundation, and World Pediatric Project.

Leopold在能源行業的領導地位包括核電保險有限公司,她是董事會成員;以及美國州際天然氣協會和美國燃料幣協會,她曾擔任過主席。她目前擔任markel group的董事會成員。此外,她還在Jamestown-Yorktown基金會、GROW Capital Jobs基金會和世界兒科項目的董事會中任職。

Baine, president-Dominion Energy Virginia, oversees operations of an electric utility serving 2.8 million customer accounts in Virginia and northeast North Carolina, and on Jan. 1, 2025, will assume additional responsibility for Dominion Energy South Carolina, which serves 800,000 electric utility customer accounts and 500,000 gas utility customers in South Carolina.

Baine,Dominion Energy Virginia的總裁,負責爲280萬客戶帳戶提供服務的電力業務運營,2025年1月1日起,將額外負責爲Dominion Energy South Carolina服務的800,000個電力客戶帳戶和500,000個燃料幣客戶。

Baine joined the company in 1995 as an associate engineer after earning a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech, and since has held numerous engineering, operational, and management positions. He was promoted to vice president-Shared Services in 2009, and became vice president–Power Generation System Operations in 2013 and senior vice president–Transmission & Customer Service in 2015. He was named senior vice president-Distribution, Power Delivery Group in 2016, senior vice president-Power Delivery for Dominion Energy Virginia in 2019, and to his current position in 2020.

Baine於1995年加入公司,擔任助理工程師,他是在弗吉尼亞理工學院獲得電氣工程學士學位後進入公司的。從那時起,他擔任了多個工程、運營和管理職位。2009年,他晉升爲副總裁-共享服務;2013年成爲副總裁–發電系統運營;2015年成爲高級副總裁–變速器與客戶服務;2016年被任命爲高級副總裁-配電、電力交付組;2019年成爲Dominion Energy Virginia的高級副總裁-電力交付;2020年擔任現職。

Carr, chief nuclear officer and president-Nuclear Operations, oversees the company's nuclear operations at four stations in three states. On Jan. 1, 2025, he will add responsibility for the company's Contracted Energy business segment consisting of Millstone Power Station, long-term contracted solar generation assets, and a renewable natural gas portfolio.


Carr came to Dominion Energy in his current role in 2023, from PSEG. At PSEG, Carr was appointed president and chief nuclear officer of PSEG Nuclear in 2019, overseeing operations for the Hope Creek and Salem nuclear generating stations in Salem County, N.J., including 1,600 employees and nearly 3,500 MW of total capacity. Before becoming chief nuclear officer, he was vice president-Hope Creek Generating Station and acting vice president and plant manager-Salem Generating Station.

Carr於2023年從PSEG以目前的角色加入Dominion Energy。在PSEG,Carr於2019年被任命爲PSEG Nuclear的總裁和首席核能官,負責新澤西州Salem縣Hope Creek和Salem核發電站的運營,包括1600名員工和近3500兆瓦的總容量。在成爲首席核能官之前,他曾擔任Hope Creek發電站的副總裁和Salem發電站的代理副總裁及廠長。

Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va., provides regulated electricity service to 3.6 million homes and businesses in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and regulated natural gas service to 500,000 customers in South Carolina. The company is one of the nation's leading developers and operators of regulated offshore wind and solar power and the largest producer of carbon-free electricity in New England. The company's mission is to provide the reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy that powers its customers every day. Please visit to learn more.

總部位於弗吉尼亞里士滿的Dominion Energy(紐約交易所:D)爲弗吉尼亞、北卡羅來納和南卡羅來納的360萬戶家庭和企業提供受監管的電力服務,並向南卡羅來納的50萬客戶提供受監管的天然氣服務。該公司是全國領先的受監管的近海風電和太陽能發展商和運營商之一,也是新英格蘭地區最大的無碳電力生產商。該公司的使命是爲其客戶提供可靠、經濟實惠且日益清潔的能源,爲他們的日常生活提供動力。請訪問DominionEnergy.com了解更多信息。

SOURCE Dominion Energy

來源 能源公司

