
Elektrobit Launches EB Corbos Linux SDK as an Amazon Machine Image to Support Cloud-first Workflows

Elektrobit Launches EB Corbos Linux SDK as an Amazon Machine Image to Support Cloud-first Workflows

Elektrobit推出Eb Corbos Linux SDk作为 亚马逊 机器镜像,以支持首选云工作流程
PR Newswire ·  2024/12/02 22:30
  • Allows developers to reap the benefits of open source; virtual development with the SDK accelerates SDV transformation.
  • Affiliated product EB corbos AdaptiveCore is also newly available on AWS Marketplace, and EB corbos Linux for Safety Applications will follow soon.
  • 允许开发人员享受开源的好处;使用SDk进行虚拟开发加速SDV转型。
  • 附属产品Eb corbos AdaptiveCore也已在AWS Marketplace上新推出,而Eb corbos Linux for Safety Applications将很快推出。

ERLANGEN, Germany, Dec. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Elektrobit, an AWS Automotive Software Competency Partner, today announced the immediate availability of its EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu operating system (OS) software development kit (SDK) on the AWS Marketplace. The EB corbos Linux SDK Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is an open-source OS for developing next-generation embedded automotive systems based on powerful high-performance computing (HPC). With the free basic OS and SDK, automotive engineers and software architects can leverage powerful build machines from AWS to build custom OS images in the cloud, accelerating the development and innovation of software-defined vehicle (SDV) platforms.

2024年12月2日德国埃尔朗根/PRNewswire/ -- 作为AWS汽车软件竞争伙伴,Elektrobit今天宣布其Eb corbos Linux立即在AWS Marketplace上提供。Eb corbos Linux基于Ubuntu操作系统(OS)软件开发工具包(SDK),其Amazon Machine Image(AMI)是一个开源OS,用于开发基于强大高性能计算的下一代嵌入式汽车系统。借助免费的基本操作系统和SDk,汽车工程师和软件架构师可以利用AWS强大的构建机器在云中构建定制的OS镜像,加快软件定义车辆平台的开发和创新。

Elektrobit's EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu open-source operating system (OS) SDK is now available on the AWS Marketplace. The EB corbos Linux SDK Amazon Machine Image enables developing next-generation embedded automotive systems based on powerful high-performance computing. With the free offering, automotive engineers and software architects can leverage powerful build machines from AWS to build custom OS images in the cloud, accelerating the development and innovation of software-def
Elektrobit的Eb corbos Linux基于Ubuntu开源操作系统(OS)SDk现已在AWS Marketplace上提供。Eb corbos Linux SDk Amazon Machine Image可用于开发基于强大高性能计算的下一代嵌入式汽车系统。借助免费提供的服务,汽车工程师和软件架构师可以利用AWS强大的构建机器在云中构建定制的OS镜像,加快软件定义车辆平台的开发和创新。

EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu brings the world's largest embedded Linux development community to the automotive industry while supporting stringent automotive security and regulatory requirements and providing reliable, long-term maintenance. With its availability on the AWS Marketplace, EB corbos Linux allows automakers to start new projects within minutes and collaborate on them remotely by emulating their software and hardware on Amazon EC2 instances powered by the Arm-based AWS Graviton processor family.

Eb corbos Linux基于Ubuntu将世界上最大的嵌入式Linux开发社区引入汽车行业,同时支持严格的汽车安全和监管要求,并提供可靠的长期维护。在AWS Marketplace上提供后,Eb corbos Linux使汽车制造商可以在几分钟内启动新项目,并通过在由Arm架构的AWS Graviton处理器系列驱动的Amazon EC2实例上仿真其软件和硬件进行远程协作。

"EB corbos Linux combines the benefits of open source and automotive qualification, offering a valuable solution for vehicle manufacturers and suppliers to develop advanced new vehicle architectures," says Yu Fang, co-founder, CTO, and Chief Product Officer at Sonatus. "With in-vehicle and cloud software, the Sonatus Vehicle Platform is a perfect match for EB corbos Linux and its AWS SDK to deliver a development platform that is native to both automotive and cloud."

"Eb corbos Linux结合了开源和汽车资格的优势,为汽车制造商和供应商开发先进的新车辆架构提供了有价值的解决方案,"Sonatus的联合创始人、首席技术官和首席产品官于方表示。"借助车载和云软件,Sonatus车辆平台与Eb corbos Linux及其AWS SDk完美匹配,提供了一个基于汽车和云原生的开发平台。"

"By leveraging the 'always-on' AWS cloud infrastructure, globally distributed teams can collaborate seamlessly, enabling agile development and faster delivery of customer value," explained Mike Robertson, Chief Product Officer and Managing Director at Elektrobit. "We see the EB corbos Linux SDK AMI playing a key role for OEMs pursuing a 'Shift Left' development strategy as it will facilitate the movement of testing, quality and performance evaluation earlier in the overall process."

通过利用"始终开启"AWS云基础建设,全球分布的团队可以无缝协作,实现敏捷开发并更快地交付客户价值。 Elektrobit 的首席产品官和董事总经理 Mike Robertson 解释说:"我们看到 Eb corbos Linux SDk AMI 在追求'左移动'开发策略的原始设备制造商中扮演关键角色,因为它将有助于在整个流程中更早地推动测试、质量和性能评估。"

EB corbos AdaptiveCore is Adaptive AUTOSAR-based middleware, tailor-made for automotive, providing multi-OS support for POSIX operating systems for safe and secure high-performance controllers. It provides features required for modern SDV platforms and comes pre-packaged with key functionalities such as vehicle communication over SOME/IP, diagnostics management and access management. With the SDK, automakers can experience fast and modern development workflows free of hardware dependencies and instantly scale their projects.

Eb corbos AdaptiveCore 是基于自适应 AUTOSAR 的中间件,专为汽车领域量身定制,为安全高性能控制器提供多操作系统支持,支持 POSIX 操作系统。它提供了现代 SDV 平台所需的功能,并预装了一些关键功能,如基于 SOME/IP 的车辆通信、诊断管理和访问管理。通过该 SDk,汽车制造商可以体验无硬件依赖的快速、现代化的开发工作流程,并立即扩展他们的项目。

EB corbos Linux and EB corbos AdaptiveCore will in the near future be joined in the AWS cloud by the recently released EB corbos Linux for Safety Applications, accelerating safety-related application development with the first Linux OS solution to comply with ASIL B/SIL 2 safety requirements.

不久之后,Eb corbos Linux 和 Eb corbos AdaptiveCore 将与最近发布的 Eb corbos Linux for Safety Applications 一起,加入到 AWS 云中,加速符合 ASIL B/SIL 2 安全要求的安全相关应用程序的开发。这是第一个符合 ASIL B/SIL 2 安全要求的 Linux 操作系统解决方案。

Go to AWS Marketplace to get the EB corbos Linux – built on Ubuntu basic OS and SDK and the EB corbos AdaptiveCore SDK for free.

前往 AWS Marketplace 获取基于 Ubuntu 基本操作系统和 SDk 构建的 Eb corbos Linux 以及免费的 Eb corbos AdaptiveCore SDk。

About Elektrobit

关于 Elektrobit

Elektrobit is an award-winning and visionary global vendor of embedded and connected software products and services for the automotive industry. A leader in automotive software with over 35 years of serving the industry, Elektrobit's software powers over five billion devices in more than 600 million vehicles and offers flexible, innovative solutions for car infrastructure software, connectivity & security, automated driving and related tools, and user experience. Elektrobit is a wholly-owned, independently-operated subsidiary of Continental.

Elektrobit 是一家屡获殊荣、具有远见的全球供应商,为汽车行业提供嵌入式和连接软件产品与服务。作为汽车软件领域的领军者,Elektrobit 服务行业逾35年,其软件驱动着超过50亿设备中的 60000万辆汽车,并为车辆基础软件、连接性与安全性、自动驾驶以及相关工具和用户体验提供了灵活创新的解决方案。Elektrobit 是大陆集团的全资独立运营子公司。

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Media contacts


Paul Entwistle / Lena Haussels
Global Public Relations, Elektrobit
Phone: +49 160 3660509
Email: [email protected]

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电话:+49 160 3660509
电子邮件: [email protected]

In US –
Stephannie Depa
Breakaway Communications
Phone: +1 530 864 0136
Email: [email protected]

Stephannie Depa
电话:+1 530 864 0136
电子邮件: [email protected]

SOURCE Elektrobit

来源 Elektrobit




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