
12月3日A股投资避雷针︱复洁环保:因忠创基金涉嫌短线交易“复洁环保” 证监会决定对其立案

On December 3, A-share investment alert︱ shanghai ceo environmental protection technology: The China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to file a case against the Zhongchuang fund for suspected short-term trading of shanghai ceo environmental protec

Gelonghui Finance ·  Dec 2, 2024 22:13

PRIS's shareholders plan to reduce their company's shares by no more than 1.90%; AUHUA Endoscope's shareholder Xiao Zhou Optoelectronics intends to reduce their shares by no more than 0.9309%; Guizhou Transportation Planning Survey&Design Academe has multiple shareholders planning to reduce their total shares by no more than 1.61%; Heilongjiang Transport Development's shareholder Suiyong Holdings plans to reduce their shares by no more than 3%; Zhejiang XCC Group stated that the screw product market is still in the early stage, and current orders have minimal impact on the company's performance; Shanghai New World's pan-Second-element business format accounts for a very small proportion in the company's overall business sector; Shanghai CEO Environmental Protection Technology stated that the China Securities Regulatory Commission decided to file a case against Chongchuang Fund for suspected short-term trading of "CEO Environmental Protection".


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