
PG&E Launches 1.2B Common And $1.2B Preferred Stock Offerings to Fund Investments

PG&E Launches 1.2B Common And $1.2B Preferred Stock Offerings to Fund Investments

Benzinga ·  2024/12/02 20:13

PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG) ("PG&E" or the "Company") announced today the launch of concurrent underwritten public offerings of (i) $1,200 million of shares of common stock, no par value ("Common Stock"), of the Company and (ii) $1,200 million of newly issued Series A Mandatory Convertible Preferred Stock ("Preferred Stock") of the Company (together, the "Offerings"). PG&E expects to grant to the underwriters of the Offerings a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional (i) $180 million of shares of Common Stock and (ii) solely to cover over-allotments, if any, $180 million of shares of Preferred Stock. PG&E intends to use the net proceeds from the Offerings for general corporate purposes, which may include, among other things, to fund PG&E's five-year capital investment plan.

PG&E公司(紐交所: PCG)("PG&E"或"公司")今日宣佈發行(i)價值120000萬美元的無面值普通股("普通股")和(ii)價值12億美元的新發行的A系列強制可轉換優先股("優先股")(統稱爲"發行")的同時承銷公開發行。PG&E預計將向發行的承銷商授予在30天內購買額外(i)18000萬美元普通股和(ii)僅用於補償超額分配情況下的18億美元優先股的選擇權。PG&E打算將發行所得的淨收益用於一般企業用途,可能包括用於資助PG&E的爲期五年的資本投資計劃。

Each share of Preferred Stock will have a liquidation preference of $50.00 per share. Unless earlier converted at the option of the holders, each share of Preferred Stock will automatically convert into a variable number of shares of Common Stock on or around December 1, 2027, based on the applicable conversion rate. The conversion rates, dividend rate, and the other terms of the Preferred Stock will be determined at the time of pricing. Currently, there is no public market for the Preferred Stock. PG&E intends to apply to list the Preferred Stock on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "PCG-PrA."


