Redhill Biopharma Has Been Awarded Approximately $8M Plus Costs In A Summary Judgment By The Supreme Court Of The State Of New York, New York County, In Its Legal Proceedings Against South Korea-based Kukbo
Redhill Biopharma Has Been Awarded Approximately $8M Plus Costs In A Summary Judgment By The Supreme Court Of The State Of New York, New York County, In Its Legal Proceedings Against South Korea-based Kukbo
redhill biopharma被紐約州紐約縣最高法院判決獲得約800萬美元加成本,以正義之名進行法律訴訟抗爭,反對在韓國的Kukbo
- RedHill has been awarded a judgment of approximately $8 million plus costs in a summary judgment by the New York Supreme Court in its legal proceedings against Kukbo Co. Ltd
- The Court dismissed the entirety of Kukbo's counterclaims, ruling in favor of RedHill's demonstrated good faith commitment to the spirit and the letter of the agreements
- RedHill在法律訴訟中,獲得了紐約最高法院約800萬美元加成本的判決,針對Kukbo Co. Ltd進行訴訟
- 法院駁回了Kukbo的所有反訴,支持RedHill展示的誠意,忠實遵守協議的精神與條款