
Sime Darby Secures RM5.6 Billion Additional Data Centre Contract

Sime Darby Secures RM5.6 Billion Additional Data Centre Contract

Business Today ·  2024/12/02 10:06

Sime Darby Property Berhad announces that it has signed a new build-and-lease agreement with Pearl Computing Malaysia Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of a multinational technology company (Google) for the development of additional data centre facilities.

Sime Darby Property Berhad宣佈,已與多國科技公司(谷歌)的全資子公司Pearl Computing Malaysia Sdn Bhd簽訂了一項新的建設和租賃協議,用於開發額外的數據中心設施。

The data centre facilities are said to be developed on a 77-acre site at Elmina Business Park located in close proximity to Pearl Computing's Google data centre which is currently under construction and targeted for completion in early 2026.

據稱,這些數據中心設施將在Elmina Business Park的77英畝用地上開發,該地點毗鄰目前正在施工中並計劃於2026年初完工的Pearl Computing的谷歌數據中心。

The infrastructure development at the site is currently underway, with completion of construction targeted for 2027. Following that, the parties will enter into a 20-year lease valued at up to RM5.6 billion, with options to renew for two additional five-year terms. This realises the Group's SHIFT25 strategy by significantly increasing recurring income and expanding the
Investment & Asset Management ("IAM") segment's assets under management.


Dato' Seri Azmir Merican, Sime Darby Property's Group Managing Director said, "This agreement reflects Sime Darby Property's ability to deliver, own, and lease data centres that meet the demands of the global digital economy, exemplifying the technical sophistication and operational reliability required for mission-critical, complex infrastructure assets."

Sime Darby Property集團董事總經理拿督阿茲米爾·梅里坎表示:「該協議反映了Sime Darby Property交付、擁有和租賃符合全球數字經濟需求的數據中心的能力,充分體現了面向關鍵任務、複雜基礎設施資產所需的技術複雜性和運營可靠性。」

