
Features Delay In iOS 19, Tim Cook's Trump Strategy, And Airpods Pro 2's Hearing Aid Feature: This Week In Appleverse

Features Delay In iOS 19, Tim Cook's Trump Strategy, And Airpods Pro 2's Hearing Aid Feature: This Week In Appleverse

iOS 19功能延遲,tim庫克的策略,以及Airpods Pro 2的助聽器功能:本週的Apple世界
Benzinga ·  2024/12/01 07:00

As we wrap up another eventful week, it's clear that Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) has been making significant waves in the tech world. From potential delays in key iOS 19 features to the company's Black Friday deals, there's a lot to unpack. Let's dive into the top five stories that have kept Apple in the headlines.

在我們結束又一個多事之周之際,很明顯,蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)一直在科技界掀起了重大波瀾。從關鍵iOS 19功能可能的延遲到公司的黑色星期五促銷,有很多事情值得深入了解。讓我們一起看看讓蘋果頻頻登上頭條的前五大新聞。

Apple's iOS 19 Features May See Delays

蘋果的iOS 19功能可能會延遲

According to Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, Apple is shifting its software update strategy. Instead of bundling new features into annual iOS releases, the tech giant is reportedly opting for staggered rollouts. This means that several features initially set for release in the latter half of 2025 may now be delayed.

據彭博社的Mark Gurman報道,蘋果正改變其軟件更新策略。科技巨頭據報選擇分階段推出新功能,而不是將新功能捆綁到年度iOS發佈中。這意味着最初設定在2025年下半年發佈的多個功能可能會延遲。

Read the full article here.


No Major Updates for AirPods Max Headphones

AirPods Max耳機不會有重大更新

Apple's premium AirPods Max headphones may not see significant updates in the near future, as per Mark Gurman. The $550 device occupies a unique position – it's not successful enough to warrant substantial R&D investment, yet it's not underperforming enough to discontinue.

據Mark Gurman稱,蘋果的高端AirPods Max耳機在不久的將來可能不會有重大更新。這款售價550美元的設備佔據着獨特的地位——它並不成功到足以獲得大規模研發投資,但也沒有表現不佳到需要停產。

Read the full article here.


Tim Cook's Trump Strategy


Apple CEO Tim Cook's approach to building a relationship with Donald Trump during his presidency reportedly gave Cupertino unique advantages over competitors. Cook often bypassed lobbyists and government relations executives, opting instead for one-on-one meetings and phone calls with Trump.


Read the full article here.


Apple's 2024 Black Friday Deals


Apple's Black Friday 2024 promotion offered customers gift cards with the purchase of eligible products instead of direct discounts. The deals included gift cards ranging from $25 to $200, depending on the product.


Read the full article here.


Elon Musk Praises AirPods Pro 2's Hearing Aid Feature

埃隆·馬斯克讚揚AirPods Pro 2的助聽器功能

Tesla Inc. CEO Elon Musk endorsed Apple's latest health technology innovation – the AirPods Pro 2's new hearing aid capabilities. This development comes as Apple transforms its popular wireless earbuds into clinical-grade hearing assistance devices.

特斯拉公司CEO埃隆·馬斯克支持了蘋果最新的健康技術創新——AirPods Pro 2的新助聽器功能。這一發展恰逢蘋果將其廣受歡迎的無線耳機轉變爲臨床級助聽設備。

Read the full article here.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Rounak Jain

這篇文章是使用Benzinga Neuro生成的,並由編輯 Rounak Jain

