

special treat Xianhe (300137.SZ) received an administrative penalty decision from Hebei Securities Regulatory Bureau.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 29, 2024 21:26

ST sailhero (300137.SZ) announced that on November 29, 2024, the company received a... from the China Securities Regulatory Commission.

According to Zhito Finance APP, ST sailhero (300137.SZ) announced that on November 29, 2024, the company received an "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by the Hebei Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, which pointed out the following illegal facts regarding sailhero environmental protection.

The company disclosed that there were false records in the 2022 annual report. At the beginning of 2022, sailhero environmental protection recorded the year-end bonuses of 2021 for its parent company and six subsidiaries within the scope of the consolidated financial statements, including Hebei Zhengmao Ecological Environment Technology Co., Ltd., Hebei Zhengtai Environmental Testing Co., Ltd., Hebei Zhengda Environmental Technology Service Co., Ltd., Hebei Advanced Environmental Industry Innovation Center Co., Ltd., Sichuan sailhero Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., and Sichuan Jiuhuan Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. It accrued and cross-period accounted for these bonuses in the cost expenses of 2022. At the end of 2022, without correcting the cross-period accrual issue for the 2021 year-end bonuses, sailhero environmental protection again included the 2022 year-end bonuses for the parent company and the aforementioned six subsidiaries in the cost expenses of 2022. On April 26, 2023, sailhero environmental protection announced the disclosure of the 2022 annual report. The behavior of sailhero environmental protection in accruing and accounting the year-end bonuses for both 2021 and 2022 in the cost expenses of 2022 violated Articles 9 and 19 of the "Corporate Accounting Standards - Basic Standards (2014 Revision)" and Article 12 of "Corporate Accounting Standards No. 28 - Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Error Corrections," falsely inflating the cost expenses of 2022 by 43.804 million yuan, falsely reducing the total profit of 2022 by 43.804 million yuan, which accounted for 31.89% of the total profit of the period, thus leading to false records in the total profit data disclosed in the 2022 annual report.

Failed to disclose investment in structured deposit products as required. From January 25, 2022, to January 30, 2023, sailhero environmental protection used funds to purchase and hold structured deposit products from banks. Among them, the maximum balance of held structured deposit products on April 18 and 26, 2022, reached 0.44 billion yuan, accounting for 20.73% of the audited net assets at the end of 2021. During this period, sailhero environmental protection did not disclose the investment in structured deposit products.

The Hebei Regulatory Bureau decided to order Hebei sailhero environmental protection technology Co., Ltd. to make corrections, issue a warning, and impose a fine of 1.9 million yuan.

On the same day, the company received notifications from Qingli New Energy, Mr. Li Yuguo, Mr. Chen Rongqiang (then director and general manager), and Mr. Shen Chao (then board secretary and financial director) that they received the "Administrative Penalty Decision" issued by the Hebei Regulatory Bureau on November 29, 2024.

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