Capital A's Q3 Net Profit Soars To RM2 Billion From Forex Gain
Capital A's Q3 Net Profit Soars To RM2 Billion From Forex Gain
Capital A Berhad reported its unaudited financial results for the third quarter ended 30 September 2024 reporting a strong net profit of RM2.01 billion for the quarter after recognising a significant foreign exchange gain of over RM2 billion.
Capital A Berhad报告了截至2024年9月30日的第三季度未经审计的财务业绩,报告显示该季度净利润强劲,达到了20.1亿令吉,其中包括逾20亿令吉的显著汇率期货收益。
In terms of core, the Group recorded net operating profit of RM9.9 million, which is supported by RM4.9 billion revenue and RM640 million EBITDA. This represents Year-on-Year ("YoY") increase of 17% and 43%, respectively.
The aviation business was the main driver, despite being a seasonally slow quarter, the airline business delivered strong results as revenue increased by 15% YoY to RM4.5 billion, while EBITDA surged 50% YoY to RM577 million, achieving a healthy 13% EBITDA margin. The positive performance was driven by strong travel demand, favourable fuel prices and strengthening of the Malaysian Ringgit ("MYR") against the US Dollar ("USD"). This was achieved despite still having non-active aircraft. Including these non-active aircraft, the Aviation Group would record an additional EBITDA of RM195 million. At the operating level, the business recorded a net operating loss of RM42 million.
尽管是淡季,航空业务仍是主要推动力,航空公司的营业收入同比增长15%,达到了45亿令吉,而EBITDA同比增长50%,达到了57700万令吉,实现了健康的13% EBITDA利润率。这一积极表现得益于旅行需求强劲、燃油价格有利以及马币对美元汇率的走强。尽管仍有非活动飞机,但航空集团预料会录得额外的EBITDA,为19500万令吉。在营运水平上,业务录得了净营业亏损4200万令吉。
Group CEO, Tony Fernandes commented that the group anticipates a strong fourth quarter. Our aviation business will be driven by peak travel season and increased capacity. ADE will capture growing MRO demand through the expanded hangar capacity, while Santan's entry into the third-party airline catering market will further boost our revenue. Separately, Teleport's robust performance, driven by increased volume and operational efficiencies, is expected to continue. The successful resolution of freighter capacity issues and the expansion of our network will further strengthen our position in the logistics market.
集团首席执行官托尼·费尔南德斯(Tony Fernandes)评论称,集团预计第四季度将表现强劲。我们的航空业务将受到旺季旅行需求和增长的舱位容量的推动。亚航工程将通过扩大机库容量满足增长的机务保障需求,而Santan进入第三方航空公司餐饮市场将进一步提升我们的营收。另外,Teleport的强劲表现,得益于成交量的增加和运营效率的提高,预计将持续。成功解决货机舱位问题并扩大我们的网络将进一步增强我们在物流市场的地位。