株式会社野村総合研究所(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役 社長:柳澤 花芽、以下「NRI」)は、2024年9月、大手企業のCIO(最高情報責任者)またはそれに準じる役職者を対象に、国内企業におけるIT活用の実態を把握するためのアンケート調査(以下「本調査」)を実施し、幅広い業種にわたって529社から回答を得ました。NRIでは2003年から本調査を毎年行っており、今回で22回目となります。今回の調査では、IT投資やデジタル化への取り組みなど、従来質問している項目のほかに、「AIのリスク管理」や「経済安全保障を考慮したIT運営のあり方」に関する質問項目を新たに加えました。主な調査結果は次のとおりです。

The role of the digital transformation promotion department has changed from planning and leading DX to developing infrastructure and validation.
Companies that answered they 'have a digital transformation promotion department' account for 70.4% of the total, which undertake operations related to the promotion of digital transformation in some form. Comparing the issues these companies are addressing in their digital transformation promotion departments to survey results from three years ago (2021), the most common issue raised was 'improving the digital responsiveness of in-house personnel (both qualitatively and quantitatively)' (FY2024: 64.1%, FY2021: 56.8%).
49.5% of companies raised 'infrastructure development for analytics/AI/data utilization', and 46.1% mentioned 'validation and application of analytics/AI/data utilization'. Compared to the survey results from three years ago (FY2021) where these were 40.3% and 35.8% respectively, there has been steady progress.
On the other hand, companies that mentioned 'data management/data governance' were only 37.4% (FY2021: 35.8%). Improving the reliability and availability of data is essential for extracting value from data and should be an area of focus going forward. Additionally, 33.0% of companies mentioned 'transformation of their own business model', which is a decrease of more than 10 points from three years ago. This trend shows that the role of the digital transformation promotion department is shifting from planning and leading DX to focusing on resource and infrastructure development.
Figure 2: Issues being addressed in the digital transformation promotion department.
(Question directed at companies with a digital transformation promotion department)

All are multiple-choice responses.
In 2024, n=206; in 2021, n=176 (the number of valid responses from companies that answered the relevant question, excluding those that did not respond).
Source) NRI "Survey on the IT utilization status of user companies (2024)".
The application of generative AI is mainly in office work, with expectations for future business applications.
Regarding the generative AI that has been drawing attention in recent years, we asked companies about the business areas they are implementing or considering its application (Figure 3).
In the application to office work, "creation, summarization, and revision of text" was the most common at 55.8%, followed by "information exploration and acquisition of knowledge and insights" at 52.3%.
In terms of application by business area, "support for employees and staff" had the highest results at 21.1% for implementation/utilization and 37.0% for consideration. This suggests that there is a desire to advance application from internal work rather than customer or business partner work, where quality and accuracy of content are questioned.
Figure 3: Application areas of generative AI.

n=346 (Number of valid responses excluding non-responses to the relevant questions from all responding companies)
Source) NRI "User Companies' Actual Utilization of IT Survey (2024)"
While 40% of companies establish rules for AI utilization, less than 20% remain in setting rules expected for providing AI services.
When asked about the measures implemented to address the risks of AI utilization in a multiple-choice format (Figure 4), the response 'Investigating domestic and international laws and guidelines regarding AI utilization' was the most common at 49.6%, followed by 'Establishing internal rules and guidelines to address risks when using systems involving AI' at 42.3%. With the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications formulating 'AI Business Guidelines', the importance of rules for AI utilization is drawing attention from society as a whole, indicating that more companies need to engage in these efforts.
On the other hand, only 17.9% of companies responded that 'they have established internal rules and guidelines to address risks when providing systems involving AI as a service'. It can be said that many companies are advancing preparations based on the assumption of use, and few companies are anticipating the provision of services based on AI-utilizing systems.
Additionally, only 6.7% of companies responded that 'they have established committees or organizations to evaluate and determine the risks of projects utilizing AI'. Establishing a system to ensure the effectiveness of rules and guidelines can be considered a future challenge.
Figure 4: Measures implemented to address risks arising from the utilization of AI.

Multiple choice answers.
n=357 (the number of valid responses excluding non-responses to the relevant question from the total number of responding companies).
Source) NRI "Survey on IT Utilization by User Companies (2024)."
IT operations initiatives considering economic security are at a developmental stage.
With the increasing complexity of international situations, companies need to address geopolitical risks and vulnerabilities in global supply chains. In japan as well, the "Economic Security Promotion Law" was enacted in 2022, and focused efforts are required in industries related to finance and social infrastructure.
In this survey, when asked whether they were implementing IT operations considering economic security (Figure 5), 61.7% of companies in industries that particularly require initiatives and 40.1% in other industries reported having some sort of initiative. The most common content of the initiatives was "formulating risk assessment items and conducting risk assessments," with 41.2% of companies in industries that particularly require initiatives having implemented this.
However, companies that specifically visualize the procurement status of equipment and services, the provision status, the transfer status of operations, and the cross-border status of data remain below 30%, even in industries where initiatives are particularly required. The specific visualization of these situations and addressing risks based on them can be said to be challenges for future IT operations.
Figure 5: Initiatives for IT operations considering economic security.

All are multiple-choice answers.
Industries particularly requiring attention n=68 Other industries n=234.
(Excludes companies that did not answer the relevant question and those that answered "not applicable due to the nature of the business" from the total number of responding companies.)
Source) NRI "Survey on IT Utilization by User Companies (2024)."
The NRI Group will continue to clarify the current situation regarding companies' IT and digitalization themes, and promote and support the resolution of challenges arising with the changing times from various perspectives.
- 1
Based on expenditures - excluding depreciation costs, including internal labor costs.
- 2
Collecting responses from companies that answered anything other than "not implementing any initiatives" or "not relevant due to the nature of the business" as "companies undertaking some initiatives."
- 3
The industries where initiatives are particularly required are as follows.
Banking, insurance, securities, credit sales, transportation, warehousing, communications, telecom services, electricity, and gas.
For your reference (survey overview).
Survey name. | User companies' IT utilization actual survey 2024. |
Purpose of the survey | Monitoring the IT utilization status of companies in japan |
Survey Period | September 2024. |
Method of the survey | After sending requests for survey cooperation by mail in advance, responses to the survey were collected via the web. |
Survey target | Approximately 4,000 companies with headquarters in japan that rank among the top in terms of revenue. |
Survey respondents | CIOs or company executives responsible for IT, corporate planning executives, heads of IT departments, heads of corporate planning departments at each company or equivalent positions |
Number of responding companies | 529 companies |
Industries of responding companies | Machinery manufacturing, materials & other manufacturing, construction, distribution, finance, transportation & communications & infrastructure, etc |
Main survey items | "Information systems department and IT investment" "Promotion system for digitalization" "Human resources and skills" "Management and governance" "Areas and technologies for IT utilization" "Status of digitalization promotion" etc. |