

Project Holdings - Transfer of consolidated subsidiary (stock transfer)

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 27, 2024 11:43

Project Holdings <9246> announced on the 26th that it has decided to transfer all shares of its subsidiary DCXforce to HSCOMPANY and has signed a share transfer agreement. The share transfer execution date is scheduled for December 27, 2024.

HSCOMPANY is a newly established company whose entire shares are held by Mr. Shintaku, the President and Representative Director of DCXforce.

Project Holdings made DCXforce a consolidated subsidiary through company spin-off in July 2022, but based on the recent business environment, the synergy effect within the group, and the perspective of concentrating management resources on its main businesses, an agreement was reached between Project Holdings and Mr. Shintaku to transfer all shares of DCXforce held by Project Holdings to HSCOMPANY.

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