
TM's Third Quarter Net Profit Decreases 13% To RM465 Million

TM's Third Quarter Net Profit Decreases 13% To RM465 Million

Business Today ·  2024/11/26 18:37

Telekom Malaysia Berhad announced its financial results for the first nine months of 2024, reporting a 7.9% increase in Earnings Before Interest and Tax (EBIT) year-to-date (3Q YTD 2024), reaching RM1.81 billion on the back of RM8.66 billion in revenue.


The Group recorded a Profit after Tax and Non-Controlling Interests (PATAMI) of RM1.29 billion, which is lower than the previous year due to a one-off tax credit received in 2023. Excluding the one-off tax credit and foreign exchange impact, the Group's PATAMI shows growth year-on-year. Meanwhile, the group saw its Capital expenditure (CAPEX) in 3Q YTD 2024 amounting to RM767 million, representing 8.9% of total revenue.


For the current quarter, the group saw a revenue of RM2.9 billion which was similar to the preceding year's quarter, the group recorded a lower profit of RM465 million compared to RM538 million recorded in the third quarter of 2023.


Amar Huzaimi Md Deris, TM Group Chief Executive Officer said, "The Group continues to demonstrate resilience, with an encouraging YTD increase in EBIT, driven by continuous business improvements, cost optimisation, and operational efficiencies. This is further reinforced by our strong balance sheet and cash reserves, highlighting the Group's healthy financial position.

Tm集團首席執行官Amar Huzaimi Md Deris表示:“在持續的業務改進、成本優化和運營效率的推動下,集團繼續表現出彈性,息稅前利潤年初至今實現了令人鼓舞的增長。我們強勁的資產負債表和現金儲備進一步強化了這一點,凸顯了集團健康的財務狀況。

"Our broadband subscriber base continues to grow steadily, driven by the Unifi UniVerse campaign – our best convergence offerings to date, further solidifying our position as the leading convergence provider with the only quad-play services in Malaysia. We also continue expanding collaborations with enterprises and government agencies to accelerate digital adoption in key verticals such as 5G, Smart Services, Healthcare, and Education. At the same time, we remain steadfast in preparing robust infrastructure to connect the world to Malaysia, including submarine cables and data centres to drive the nation's digital transformation and strengthen its role as the digital hub for ASEAN.

“在Unifi Universe活動的推動下,我們的寬帶用戶群持續穩步增長,這是我們迄今爲止最好的融合產品,進一步鞏固了我們作爲馬來西亞唯一提供四網融合服務的領先融合提供商的地位。我們還繼續擴大與企業和政府機構的合作,以加快5G、智能服務、醫療保健和教育等關鍵垂直領域的數字化採用。同時,我們將堅定不移地準備強大的基礎設施,將世界與馬來西亞連接起來,包括海底電纜和數據中心,以推動該國的數字化轉型並加強其作爲東盟數字中心的作用。

The group said it maintains a positive outlook to close the year and remains on track to achieve its market guidance issued for 2024.


Unifi recorded a 1.6% increase YTD in fixed broadband subscribers, reaching 3.167 million in 3Q YTD 2024. Meanwhile, TM One, the Group's enterprise and Government sector business solutions arm, recorded a 2.0% increase in revenue, reaching RM2.12 billion in 3Q YTD 2024 with improved contributions from digital services and key customer projects.

Unifi的固定寬帶用戶年初至今增長了1.6%,到2024年第三季度達到316.7萬。同時,集團的企業和政府部門業務解決方案部門Tm One的收入增長了2.0%,在2024年第三季度達到21.2令吉,數字服務和關鍵客戶項目的貢獻有所增加。



