
港股异动 | 锦艺集团控股(00565)尾盘涨超25% 组建合营开展货机租赁业务 与铂睿订立货机租赁协议

Hong Kong stock movement | art group hold (00565) rose over 25% at the end of trading, establishing a joint venture to carry out freighter leasing business and signing a freighter leasing agreement with Platinum Ray.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 15:15

Art Group Hold (00565) rose over 25% at the end of the trading session, currently up 25%, priced at 1.25 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 11.8628 million Hong Kong dollars.

According to Zhitong Financial APP, Art Group Hold (00565) rose over 25% at the end of the trading session, currently up 25%, priced at 1.25 Hong Kong dollars, with a transaction volume of 11.8628 million Hong Kong dollars.

In terms of news, Art Group Hold previously announced that on October 8, the group and its wholly-owned subsidiary in China, VeloX, established a joint venture named Qiong Gang Ao Aviation Development Investment Co., Ltd. in Hong Kong. The group expects that the cargo aircraft leasing business will become a new business for the group and provide good opportunities for expanding into the cargo aircraft leasing business, sharing the development results of the cargo aircraft leasing market. The board of directors believes that if the cargo aircraft leasing business can be realized, it will bring new sources of income and, in the long run, provide the company and its shareholders with the maximum return.

In addition, Qiong Gang Ao Aviation signed a cargo aircraft leasing agreement with Platinum on October 29. It is reported that Qiong Gang Ao Aviation should provide charter air transportation services for cargo from Hong Kong to Miami, with a leasing fee for each cargo air transportation charter service of 0.68 million USD, with a term from November 1 of this year to November 30.

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