
A股异动丨潮宏基放量升超6% 股价创一个半月新高

Stocks soar as guangdong chj industry rises more than 6% on heavy volume, hitting a new high for a month and a half.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Nov 26, 2024 14:27

On November 26th, Gelonghui reported that Guangdong CHJ Industry (002345.SZ) saw its gains expand to over 6% towards the end of trading, reaching a new high of 5.48 yuan, with trading volume significantly increasing to 0.227 billion yuan and a total market value of 4.83 billion yuan. According to a recent report by Tianfeng, the company's revenue for Q3 2024 is better than the industry average. The company continues to push its franchise model to expand the market, with a total of 1,482 jewelry stores under 'CHJ Guangdong CHJ Industry' by the end of September, including 1,236 franchise stores, a net increase of 126 since the beginning of the year. Additionally, in the third quarter, the company received various awards and certifications for brand strength, design capability, and marketing prowess. The rating remains a 'buy'. (Gelonghui)

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