
據報長江集團擬收購英國泰晤士水務 集團:會研究任何有利公司發展及增進股東回報機會

According to reports, the Yangtze Group plans to acquire Thames Water, a United Kingdom water affairs group: will study any beneficial opportunities for company development and enhancing shareholder returns.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 26, 2024 11:35

Recently, there have been reports that the Yangtze Group plans to acquire Thames Water in the United Kingdom. The Yangtze Group has no comment on these reports, but emphasizes that Yangtze Infrastructure (01038.HK) has always conducted research on any opportunities beneficial to company development and enhancing shareholder returns.

The Group further stated that according to the Chairman's report on the interim performance for 2024 published by Yangtze Infrastructure, the Group's financial foundation remains steadily strong. As of June 30 this year, it holds 9.2 billion yuan in cash and its net debt-to-total net capital ratio is at a healthy level of 9.8%. This solid foundation provides Yangtze Infrastructure with financial flexibility to deal with various uncertainties in the market and establish a strong backing for new acquisition opportunities.

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