
中國鐵建(01186.HK)完成發行30億人民幣公司債 五年期票息2.4%

China Railway Construction Corporation (01186.HK) has completed the issuance of 3 billion RMB csi enterprise bond index with a five-year coupon rate of 2.4%.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 22, 2024 01:36

China Railway Construction Corporation (01186.HK) announced the completion of the issuance of technology innovation renewable csi enterprise bonds (sixth phase), with a final issuance scale of 3 billion yuan, of which the three-year scale is 1 billion yuan with a coupon rate of 2.22% in the first year; the five-year scale is 2 billion yuan with a coupon rate of 2.4% in the first year.

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