KTI Landmark Reports Solid Sales In Q3
KTI Landmark Reports Solid Sales In Q3
KTI Landmark Berhad has recorded a strong sales performance of RM230 million and order book of RM250.0 million from January to November this year.
今年1月至11月,KTI Landmark Berhad的銷售表現強勁,爲23000萬令吉,訂單量爲25000萬令吉。
Datuk Dr Gordon Loke Group Managing Director and CEO of KTI, said the record sales represents an impressive jump of 55.6% from RM102.9 million sales recorded since its listing in June.
拿督戈登·洛克集團董事總經理兼KTI首席執行官Gordon Loke博士表示,創紀錄的銷售額較6月份上市以來的10290萬令吉銷售額增長了55.6%。
"The record RM230.0 million sales achieved in the first 11 months of 2024 has also surpassed our year 2023 sales of RM132.9 million. The sales will provide earnings visibility to KTI Group for the next two years," he added.
「2024年前11個月創下的創紀錄的23000萬令吉的銷售額也超過了我們2023年13290萬令吉的銷售額。此次銷售將爲KTI集團提供未來兩年的收益可見性,」 他補充說。
The sales were recorded from its on-going projects namely Shorea and Astoria at The Logg in Kota Kinabalu, Kayana Heights and Araya Gardens at Ayuria Place in Alamesra, Residensi Seri Akasia and Plaza Lemawang 2 in Tuaran and Taman Seraya in Sandakan.
銷售額來自其正在進行的項目,即位於哥打基納巴盧The Logg的Shorea和Astoria、阿拉梅斯拉阿尤里亞廣場的Kayana Heights和Araya花園、位於圖亞蘭的Residensi Seri Akasia和Plaza Lemawang 2以及山打根的塔曼塞拉亞。
KTI had today announced its third quarter ("3QFY24") and nine-month ("9MFY24") financial results ended 30 September 2024.
For 3QFY24, the Company posted 44.7% increase in revenue to RM53.0 million from RM29.3 million in 2QFY24 due to improved sales recorded from Plaza Lemawang 2 and Kayana Heights projects.
在 3QFY24 方面,該公司公佈的收入從 2QFY24 的2930萬令吉增長了44.7%,至5300萬令吉,這要歸因於Plaza Lemawang 2和Kayana Heights項目的銷售額有所改善。
Quarter-on-quarter (QoQ), its profit after tax increased 87.6% to RM1.0 million from RM1.9 million loss after tax recorded in 2QFY24 due to the non-recurring listing expenses of RM2.3 million.
由於非經常性上市支出爲230萬令吉,其稅後利潤同比(QoQ)從 2QFY24 中記錄的190萬令吉的稅後虧損增長了87.6%,至100萬令吉。
For the cumulative 9MFY24, KTI recorded RM0.5 million loss after tax, on a revenue of RM109.3 million.
就累計 9MFY24 而言,KTI錄得稅後虧損50萬令吉,收入爲10930萬令吉。
No comparative figures were available as it was the third interim financial report released by the Company in compliance with the listing requirements.