

Dream Arts---Tokyu introduces SmartDB(R) for approval and legal consultation services.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 19, 2024 13:49

Dream Arts <4811> announced on the 14th that SmartDB(R) has been implemented at Tokyu <9005>.

At Tokyu, the use of the approval workflow application built with SmartDB(R) has started for about 2,000 people from October 21, 2024.

Amid ongoing changes in the external environment, such as rising interest rates due to the COVID-19 pandemic and financial normalization, the medium-term three-year business plan starting in fiscal 2024 is positioned as a period of rebooting, aiming to strengthen the management foundation through the promotion of business strategies and corporate strategies. Additionally, in Tokyu's "digital strategy," the goal is to improve operational efficiency across the group through business process reforms, reducing the time spent on routine tasks. The Management Control Group has been considering the introduction of a new system to achieve the reform of the complex approval system that has become complicated due to long-term utilization since 2014 and the digitalization of legal consultation services, as a pioneer of business process reform. The Management Control Group established requirements that would serve as selection criteria when introducing the new system. To respond flexibly to changes in on-site operations, multiple services were compared, including a no-code system that can be easily developed on-site without relying on external outsourcing. Among those, the introduction of SmartDB(R) was decided upon due to its high degree of compliance with the requirements and resonance with the "democratization of digital" that enables continuous system improvement led by the field.

In the future, it is anticipated that the still remaining analog internal application reception operations, as well as the management of materials for internal meetings requiring permission grants, will be unified in SmartDB(R).

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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