Censof Saw 1H Profit Double From Successful Govt Project Delivery
Censof Saw 1H Profit Double From Successful Govt Project Delivery
Censof Holdings Berhad announced its financial results for the second quarter and half year earnings with the quarter under review achieving a profit before tax ("PBT") and profit after tax ("PAT") of RM2.6 million and RM1.6 million respectively, on the back of a 10.3% increase in revenue to RM27.9 million.
Censof Holdings Berhad公佈了第二季度和半年度的財務結果,審查期間實現稅前利潤("PBT")和稅後利潤("PAT")分別爲260萬令吉和160萬令吉,在營業收入增長10.3%至2790萬令吉的支持下。
The quarterly earnings led to the doubling of the Group's PBT and PAT to RM5.3 million and RM3.7 million respectively, as well as a 16.8% increase in revenue for the first half year ended 30 September 2024, in comparison to the preceding year's corresponding period. This 16.8% hike in revenue the group said was predominantly attributed to the robust performance of the Financial Management Solutions – Government ("FMS-G") segment.
The segment's revenue expanded by 26.8% to RM32.9 million, mainly driven by the successful implementation of the Government Resource Planning project for the Companies Commission of Malaysia, which contributed RM2.5 million in revenue. An increase in maintenance revenue of RM5.1 million further bolstered the segment's performance, highlighting the strong demand for Censof's financial solutions in the public sector.