
*ST花王(603007.SH)披露重整计划 拟每10股转增约11.55346股实施资本公积金转增股本

flower king eco-engineering inc. (603007.SH) disclosed a restructuring plan, intending to issue approximately 11.55346 shares for every 10 shares as a bonus issue of capital reserve.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 15, 2024 21:55

*flower king eco-engineering inc. (603007.SH) has disclosed its reorganization plan, which intends to base on the company's total share capital, increasing approximately 11.55346 shares for every 10 shares held...

According to the Zhitong Financial APP, *flower king eco-engineering inc. (603007.SH) has disclosed its reorganization plan, which intends to base on the company's total share capital, implementing a capital reserve increase by approximately 11.55346 shares for every 10 shares (retained to five decimal places), with a total increase of 0.47 billion shares. After the increase, the total share capital of flower king will rise to 0.877 billion shares.

Among the increased stocks, 0.377 billion shares of flower king shares to be increased (including the 20 million shares originally intended for the controlling shareholder flower king group) will be acquired by the reorganization investors for cash payment, with a cash consideration of 0.508 billion yuan; 43.202 million shares will be distributed to all shareholders other than the controlling shareholder flower king group who are registered on the equity registration date for the increase in capital reserve stock. Each shareholder will receive increased shares based on the number of shares they hold at that time, with an increase of approximately 1.55346 shares for every 10 shares (retained to five decimal places); the remaining 49.7817 million shares will be used to repay the debts of flower king shares through a debt-to-equity swap.

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