
CapitaLand To Appoint Ms Yong Su-Lin As CEO Designate

CapitaLand To Appoint Ms Yong Su-Lin As CEO Designate

Business Today ·  2024/11/14 22:37

CapitaLand Malaysia REIT Management Sdn. Bhd. has announced the appointment of Ms Yong Su-Lin as Chief Executive Officer, Designate ("CEO Designate") with effect from 2 January 2025.


The group said the appointment of Ms Yong as the CEO Designate is part of the leadership succession plan. Meanwhile Ms Yong will support Mr Tan Choon Siang, the CEO of CMRM, in the execution of strategy and the day-to-day operations of the business.


Ms Yong has more than 28 years of experience in banking including project financing, consultancy and real estate industry including fund management for real estate. She is currently the Managing Director of Malaysia and China and was an Interim Chief Financial Officer, Asia of the Lendlease Group. She oversees the portfolio of the Lendlease Group in Malaysia including Investment, Development and Construction segment. In her role as Interim Chief Financial Officer, Asia, she is accountable for the finance function including but not limited to preparing accounts and financial accounts/budget of the Lendlease Group in Asia namely in Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and China.


Immediately prior to joining the Lendlease Group, she served as the Chief Executive Officer of Sentral REIT Management Sdn Bhd (the Manager for Sentral REIT) in 2015, where she successfully completed the first merger of a real estate investment trust ("REIT") in Malaysia and grew the business and portfolio by approximately 170% from RM820 million to RM2.2 billion with a market capitalisation of RM1 billion.

加入Lendlease集團之前,Yong女士曾於2015年擔任Sentral REIt Management Sdn Bhd的首席執行官(Sentral REIT的管理人),成功完成了馬來西亞房地產投資信託(REIT)首次合併,並將業務和資產組合增長約170%,從82000萬林吉特增長到22億林吉特,市值達10億林吉特。

Before that, she was the Interim Chief Executive Officer of Quill Capita Management Sdn Bhd (the Manager for Quill Capita Trust), where she oversaw the establishment and listing of the REIT on the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. In this role, she was also responsible for the company's investments, investor relations activities, asset management, leasing, fund raising and finance activities related to Quill Capita Trust.

在此之前,她曾擔任Quill Capita Management Sdn Bhd的臨時首席執行官(Quill Capita Trust的管理人),監督了REIt在馬來西亞證券交易所主板上市的建立和管理。在這一角色中,她還負責公司的投資、投資者關係活動、資產管理、租賃、籌資以及與Quill Capita Trust相關的財務活動。

Prior to her role at Quill Capita Management Sdn Bhd, Ms Yong had six years of corporate advisory experience, working in one of the top five audit firms in Malaysia. In her career as a corporate consultant, she was involved in corporate finance, corporate advisory and corporate recovery assignments for various industry sectors.

在加入Quill Capita Management Sdn Bhd之前,Yong女士擁有6年的企業諮詢經驗,在馬來西亞五大審計公司之一工作。作爲企業顧問,她參與了各個行業領域的企業金融、企業諮詢和企業復甦項目。

Ms Yong holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Finance from the University of Northern Iowa, United States of America.


