
'Planet Fitness Loses 11th Hour Bid To Acquire Bankrupt Blink' - CNBC

'Planet Fitness Loses 11th Hour Bid To Acquire Bankrupt Blink' - CNBC

planet fitness失去買盤,無法收購破產的blink - CNBC
Benzinga ·  2024/11/13 22:59
  • Planet Fitness lost a bid in bankruptcy court to acquire Blink Holdings.
  • U.K.-based private gym chain PureGym won its bid to acquire Blink and its assets, including 60 of its gyms in New York and New Jersey.
  • A Delaware bankruptcy court judge said accepting PureGym's offer would avoid antitrust risks.
  • planet fitness在破產法院失敗,無法收購Blink Holdings。
  • 總部位於英國的私人健身連鎖PureGym贏得了收購Blink及其資產的競標,包括紐約和新澤西的60家健身房。
  • 特拉華州破產法院法官表示接受PureGym的提議將避免反托拉斯風險。

Planet Fitness lost its bid in bankruptcy court to acquire budget fitness chain Blink Holdings, according to court filings viewed by CNBC.

根據CNBC查看的法庭文件,planet fitness在破產法院失去了收購預算健身連鎖Blink Holdings的競標。

Planet Fitness placed its competing eleventh hour bids early this month during a 48-hour challenge window. The two higher bids came after it lost out in bankruptcy auction to U.K.-based, privately held fitness chain PureGym.

planet fitness在本月初的48小時挑戰窗口期間提出了競爭性的最後時刻競標。在失去破產拍賣給總部位於英國的私人持有健身連鎖PureGym之後,出現了兩筆更高的競標。

Late Tuesday, Delaware's bankruptcy court formally accepted PureGym's $121 million offer, which initially won at auction in late October.


J. Kate Stickles, bankruptcy judge in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court of Delaware, said in Tuesday's hearing that PureGym's offer would avoid antitrust risks. The company only operates three locations in the U.S., which it first entered in 2021.

特拉華州聯邦破產法院破產法官J. Kate Stickles在週二的聽證會上表示,PureGym的提議將避免反托拉斯風險。該公司僅在美國經營三家門店,於2021年首次進入美國市場。

PureGym's offer, assuming Blink's liabilities, also comes with 60 of Blink's fitness centers still operating in New York and New Jersey.


"PureGym is committed to ensuring continuity of service for Blink's members in New York and New Jersey by maintaining the high-quality fitness experience that Blink members have come to expect," said PureGym CEO Humphrey Cobbold when the company initially made the bid in September.

「PureGym致力於確保Blink會員在紐約和新澤西的服務連續性,維持Blink會員已經習慣的高質量健身體驗,」PureGym首席執行官Humphrey Cobbold在公司最初於九月提出買盤時表示。

"The American fitness market is the largest and most dynamic in the world. We are incredibly excited by the scale of opportunity and the chance to tailor and apply our proven model there," he said.


Planet Fitness' initial bid was rejected in part because of antitrust concerns, as the roughly $6.8 billion company already owns more than 2,000 club in the U.S., sources familiar with the matter told CNBC.

planet fitness的初始買盤部分被拒絕,因爲對反壟斷問題的擔憂,據熟悉情況的消息人士告訴CNBC,這家價值約68億美元的公司在美國擁有超過2,000傢俱樂部。

Planet Fitness's offer would have further delayed closing the deal, they added. By accepting PureGym's offer now and avoiding antitrust issues, Stickles said it would allow Blink to continue to operate rather than dissolve as a deal was negotiated in court.

planet fitness的提議將進一步延遲交易的完成,他們補充道。接受PureGym的報價現在並避免反壟斷問題,Stickles表示,這將使Blink能夠繼續運營,而不是像在法庭上進行交易協商時那樣解散。

Planet Fitness did not respond to CNBC's request for comment.

planet fitness未回覆CNBC的置評請求。

