Swift Haulage Saw Its Q3 Profit Drop Nearly 80% To RM5.7 Million
Swift Haulage Saw Its Q3 Profit Drop Nearly 80% To RM5.7 Million
Swift Haulage announced its third quarter results recording a revenue of RM183.1 million, gross profit of RM50.8 million and profit before tax of RM8.1 million and profit after tax of RM5.7 million which is significantly lower that 3QFY23 of RM28 million.
Swift Haulage公佈了其第三季度業績,收入爲18310萬令吉,毛利爲5080萬令吉,稅前利潤爲810萬令吉,稅後利潤爲570萬令吉,明顯低於 3QFY23 的2800萬令吉。
Decline was mainly due to high base effect, as the group recognised higher other income in 3QFY2023 from a gain on bargain purchase through the acquisition of a 17.5% stake in Global Vision Logistics.
下降的主要原因是高基數效應,因爲該集團認識到,通過收購環球願景物流17.5%的股份,以低價收購獲得的收益,3QFY2023 的其他收入有所增加。
Revenue was primarily contributed by container haulage (RM72.4 million) and land transportation (RM63.1 million), collectively amounting to 74.0% of total Group revenue. Other business segments such as warehousing and container depot and freight forwarding contributed RM30.3 million and RM17.2 million respectively to 3QFY20
For the financial period-to-date ended 30 September 2024 ("9MFY2024"), Swift Haulage delivered revenue of RM535.3 million, gross profit of RM148.4 million, PBT of RM43.4 million and PAT of RM35million compared to RM48 million the year before.
收入主要來自集裝箱運輸(7240萬令吉)和陸運(6310萬令吉),共佔集團總收入的74.0%。倉儲、集裝箱倉庫和貨運代理等其他業務部門分別爲 3QFY20 貢獻了3030萬令吉和1720萬令吉
在截至2024年9月30日的財政期間(「9MFY2024」)中,Swift Haulage的收入爲53530萬令吉,毛利爲14840萬令吉,PbT爲4340萬令吉,PbT爲3,500萬令吉,PaT爲3500萬令吉,而去年同期爲4800萬令吉。
Revenue for the group was mainly contributed by container haulage (RM209.6 million) and land transportation (RM192.8 million). These key segments collectively made up 75.2% total Group revenue. Other segments such as warehousing and container depot and freight forwarding business contributed RM85.6 million and RM47.1 million respectively to 9MFY2024 revenue.
該集團的收入主要來自集裝箱運輸(20960萬令吉)和陸路運輸(19280萬令吉)。這些關鍵細分市場共佔集團總收入的75.2%。倉儲和集裝箱倉庫以及貨運代理業務等其他領域分別爲 9MFY2024 的收入貢獻了8560萬令吉和4710萬令吉。
As at 30 September 2024, Swift Haulage's balance sheet remained robust sporting a cash position of RM45.9 million whilst net gearing stood at a healthy 1.04x against shareholders funds' of RM730.1 million.
截至2024年9月30日,Swift Haulage的資產負債表保持強勁,現金狀況爲4590萬令吉,而淨資產負債率爲1.04倍,股東資金爲73010萬令吉。