
TAFI Records 1,092.9% Increase In 3Q24 Net Profit

TAFI Records 1,092.9% Increase In 3Q24 Net Profit

TAFI Records 3Q24 淨利潤增長 1,092.9%
Business Today ·  2024/11/13 18:32

TAFI Industries Bhd posted a resilient financial performance for its third quarter of 2024 (3Q24) with RM26.89 million in revenue and a net profit of RM2.52 million, bringing the total net profit for the nine months until Sept 30, 2024, to RM6.83 million.

TAFI Industries Bhd在2024年第三季度(3Q24)表現出色,營業收入爲2689萬令吉,淨利潤爲252萬令吉,截至2024年9月30日的九個月總淨利潤爲683萬令吉。

Revenue for the quarter increased by 83.07% to RM26.89 million in 3Q24 compared to RM14.69 million in 3Q23, driven by the increase in revenue from construction contracts and property development activities.


Profit for the quarter ended Sept 30, 2024, increased by 1,092.89% to RM2.52 million compared to RM0.211 million in 3Q24. The overwhelming surge in profit is mainly attributed to the increase in revenue from construction contracts and property development activities.


TAFI Group Chief Executive Officer Datuk Seri Bryan Wong said the group continues to remain profitable for the three consecutive financial years ended Dec 31, 2021 (FY21) to FY23 since the change in the group's management during the last quarter of 2020.

TAFI集團首席執行官拿督斯里Bryan Wong表示,自2020年最後一個季度以來,集團持續保持盈利,自FY21至FY23已連續三個財政年度結束。

As such, Wong said the current management is continuously reviewing the group's business operations to streamline, increase efficiency and also continue to grow its business operations.


"The management is confident that TAFI will continue to be profitable and show increasing profits in the future," Wong said in a statement.


Meanwhile, he revealed that the group is still working towards launching new furniture models to expand its market share in the European and Middle East markets to widen its customer base.


"At the same time, the group is also working towards securing more orders for local projects market for the supply of furniture and related products in response to the slowdown in export market of furniture especially in North America and Europe due to challenges from high cost of living resulting in reduced demand from consumer market and overstocking by major buyers" he said, adding that the group is expecting increased sales and result to flow in positively in FY24.


The outstanding order book of the group's construction business amounted to approximately RM473.96 million from four ongoing construction projects.


