
Reported Earlier, Cardinal Health Accelerates Strategic Growth With $3.9B GI Alliance Acquisition And $1.1B Advanced Diabetes Supply Group Buyout

Reported Earlier, Cardinal Health Accelerates Strategic Growth With $3.9B GI Alliance Acquisition And $1.1B Advanced Diabetes Supply Group Buyout

Benzinga ·  2024/11/12 13:42
  • Acquisition of a majority stake in GI Alliance, the country's leading gastroenterology management services organization, to accelerate Cardinal Health's multi-specialty growth strategy
  • Acquisition of the Advanced Diabetes Supply Group, a leading national direct-to-patient provider of diabetes medical supplies, to accelerate Cardinal Health's at-Home Solutions growth strategy
  • Company announces plan to hold Investor Day in June 2025
  • 愛文思控股將收購全國領先的胃腸病管理服務機構GI Alliance的多數股權,以加快該公司多專業增長策略。
  • 愛文思控股將收購領先的國家直接向患者提供糖尿病醫療用品的Advanced Diabetes Supply Group的多數股權,以加速該公司家庭解決方案的增長策略。
  • 公司宣佈計劃於2025年6月舉行投資者日活動。

Cardinal Health will acquire a majority stake in GI Alliance (GIA), the country's leading gastroenterology (GI) management services organization (MSO), from a combination of GIA physician owners and funds managed by affiliates of Apollo (NYSE:APO). Cardinal Health will purchase its majority stake for approximately $2.8 billion in cash, which will represent 71% ownership. GIA will operate as a platform within Cardinal Health's Pharmaceutical and Specialty Solutions segment.

卡地納健康將收購全國領先的胃腸病管理服務機構GI Alliance(GIA)的多數股權,該機構由GIA醫生所有者和由Apollo(紐交所:APO)附屬公司管理的基金組合共同管理。卡地納健康將以約28億美元的現金購買其多數股權,這將佔據71%的所有權。 GIA將作爲卡地納健康藥品和特殊解決方案部門內的一個平台運營。

Cardinal Health will also acquire the Advanced Diabetes Supply Group (ADSG), one of the country's leading diabetic medical supplies providers, for approximately $1.1 billion in cash. ADSG will merge with Cardinal Health's at-Home Solutions business.

卡地納健康還將以約11億美元的現金收購該國一家領先的糖尿病醫療用品提供商Advanced Diabetes Supply Group(ADSG)。ADSG將與卡地納健康的家庭解決方案業務合併。

