
ASMPT(00522.HK)私有化商討告吹 股價跌近5%

ASMPT (00522.HK) private privatization discussion fails, stock price drops nearly 5%.

AASTOCKS ·  Nov 12 09:42

ASMPT (00522.HK) opened low today (12th) by 6.1% at 75 yuan, initially falling by 7.4% to see a low of 74 yuan. The latest price is 76 yuan, down 4.88%, with a trading volume of 1.0717 million shares, involving 80.9952 million yuan.

ASMPT announced that discussions on potential privatization have been halted with the potential offeror, with market reports suggesting the potential buyer is the USA private equity fund KKR (KKR.US).

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