
Mammoth Holdings Reaches Milestone With 150 Sites

Mammoth Holdings Reaches Milestone With 150 Sites

Mammoth Holdings达到了拥有150个站点的里程碑
PR Newswire ·  2024/11/12 01:50

DALLAS, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mammoth Holdings LLC, America's premier express car wash platform, announced the recent opening of its newest location, Silverstar Car Wash in Bettendorf, Iowa, making it the company's 150th site. This is Mammoth's latest site opening that aligns with the company's dual growth strategy of developing greenfield operations while also acquiring existing brands.

达拉斯,2024年11月11日/ PR Newswire/——美国首屈一指的快速洗车平台Mammoth Holdings LLC宣布最近在爱荷华州贝滕多夫的Silverstar Car Wash开设了最新门店,这也是该公司的第150个门店。这是Mammoth最新的开业地点,符合公司以发展绿地运营和收购现有品牌为双重增长战略的最新开店。

"Mammoth is proud this is our 150th site as we continue to build momentum of reaching 500 sites across the country," said Dave Hoffmann, Chairman and CEO of Mammoth Holdings. "We are thrilled to bring the best quality car wash to the customers of Bettendorf with state-of-the-art technology and top-notch customer service."

“我们很自豪这是我们的第150个站点,继续努力实现在全国范围内达到500个站点的动力,”Mammoth Holdings董事长兼首席执行官戴夫·霍夫曼说。“我们很高兴将最优质的洗车服务带给贝滕多夫的顾客,提供尖端的技术和一流的客户服务。”

The site will become a go-to destination for car owners, providing convenience and best in class service to customers. Today's opening marks the 34th Mammoth location under the Silverstar Car Wash brand.

该地点将成为车主的首选目的地,为顾客提供便利和一流的服务。今天的开业标志着Silverstar Car Wash品牌下的第34家Mammoth门店。

Mammoth Holdings is the first car wash platform formed by industry insiders and has 150 operating locations. Mammoth is customer-focused operationally; operator-focused in its approach to acquisitions; and seeks to be the partner-of-choice for car wash operators who desire liquidity, growth capital, and a tax-deferred equity investment opportunity.

Mammoth Holdings是由行业内部人士组建的第一个洗车平台,拥有150家运营地点。Mammoth在运营上以客户为重点;在收购方面以运营商为中心;并力求成为寻求流动性、增长资本和递延税权益投资机会的洗车运营商的首选合作伙伴。

Mammoth Holdings' multi-brand portfolio includes Busy Bee Car Wash, Coastal Carwash, Finish Line Car Wash, Galaxies Express Car Wash, In & Out Express Carwash, Jax Kar Wash, Lulu's Express Car Wash, Marc-1 Car Wash, Mr. Squeaky Car Wash, Pals Carwash, Pitstop Car Wash, PureMagic Carwash, Silverstar Car Wash, Speedy Clean Car Wash, Suds Car Wash, Swifty Car Wash, Today's Car Wash, Ultra Car Wash, Wash Me Fast, Wash-N-Go Express Car Wash, and Wiggy Wash.

Mammoth Holdings的多品牌组合包括Busy Bee Car Wash、Coastal Carwash、Finish Line Car Wash、Galaxies Express Car Wash、In & Out Express Carwash、Jax Kar Wash、Lulu's Express Car Wash、Marc-1 Car Wash、Mr. Squeaky Car Wash、Pals Carwash、Pitstop Car Wash、PureMagic Carwash、Silverstar Car Wash、Speedy Clean Car Wash、Suds Car Wash、Swifty Car Wash、Today's Car Wash、Ultra Car Wash、Wash Me Fast、Wash-N-Go Express Car Wash和Wiggy Wash。

Mammoth has significant growth capital available and is actively seeking acquisitions and development opportunities.


In October 2018, Mammoth partnered with Red Dog Equity LLC, an Atlanta-based private equity firm, which, through its partnership with Tom Pritzker's family business interests (advised by The Pritzker Organization), provided the equity for Mammoth Holdings' corporate development initiatives. In December 2022, Mammoth sold a minority stake to CCMP Growth Advisors that provided Mammoth with additional capital to pursue building new units and making acquisitions.

2018年10月,Mammoth与亚特兰大私募股权公司Red Dog Equity LLC合作,通过与汤姆·普里兹克家族企业利益(由Pritzker组织建议)合作为Mammoth Holdings的公司发展计划提供股本。2022年12月,Mammoth向CCMP Growth Advisors出售了少数股权,为Mammoth提供了额外资本以推动新单位的建设和收购。

Oak Hill Advisors provides Mammoth Holdings' debt financing through its direct lending partnership with BMO Capital Markets.

Oak Hill Advisors通过其与BMO资本市场的直接融资合作为Mammoth Holdings提供债务融资。

About Mammoth Holdings

关于Mammoth Holdings

Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, Mammoth Holdings, LLC operates 150 conveyor car washes under the Busy Bee Car Wash, Coastal Carwash, Finish Line Car Wash, Galaxies Express Car Wash, In & Out Express Carwash, Jax Kar Wash, Lulu's Express Car Wash, Marc-1 Car Wash, Mr. Squeaky Car Wash, Pals Carwash, Pitstop Car Wash, PureMagic Carwash, Silverstar Car Wash, Speedy Clean Car Wash, Suds Car Wash, Swifty Car Wash, Today's Car Wash, Ultra Car Wash, Wash Me Fast, Wash-N-Go Express Car Wash, and Wiggy Wash brands in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah.

总部位于德克萨斯州达拉斯,在亚拉巴马州、佛罗里达州、乔治亚州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、爱荷华州、肯塔基州、路易斯安那州、明尼苏达州、密西西比州、密苏里州、内布拉斯加州、北达科他州、南卡罗来纳州、南达科他州、田纳西州、德克萨斯州和犹他州经营150家传送带式洗车店,品牌包括Busy Bee Car Wash、Coastal Carwash、Finish Line Car Wash、Galaxies Express Car Wash、In & Out Express Carwash、Jax Kar Wash、Lulu's Express Car Wash、Marc-1 Car Wash、Mr. Squeaky Car Wash、Pals Carwash、Pitstop Car Wash、PureMagic Carwash、Silverstar Car Wash、Speedy Clean Car Wash、Suds Car Wash、Swifty Car Wash、Today's Car Wash、Ultra Car Wash、Wash Me Fast、Wash-N-Go Express Car Wash和Wiggy Wash。

Mammoth Holdings was founded by Gary Dennis and Chip Hackett in 2002. To learn more, please visit

Mammoth Holdings是由Gary Dennis和Chip Hackett于2002年创立。要了解更多信息,请访问。

About Red Dog Equity
Red Dog Equity LLC is a private equity firm that invests in lower middle-market companies poised for strong growth in partnership with driven, entrepreneurial business leaders ("Red Dogs"). To learn more, please visit

关于Red Dog Equity
Red Dog Equity LLC是一家股权投资公司,与充满潜力、发展迅速的中低端市场公司以及积极进取的商业领袖(“红狗”)合作。要了解更多信息,请访问。

About The Pritzker Organization
The Pritzker Organization is the merchant bank for the business interests of the Tom Pritzker family. Additional information can be found at


About CCMP Growth Advisors
CCMP Growth Advisors, LP ("CCMP Growth") is a New York based growth-oriented private equity firm focused on making lead buyout and growth equity investments in middle-market companies in the Consumer and Industrial sectors primarily in North America. CCMP Growth leverages the deep investment experience of its team to identify high growth companies in transition, and partners with management to help each platform scale through strategic and operational support.

关于CCMP Growth Advisors
CCMP Growth Advisors 股权投资 是一家总部设在纽约的以增长为导向的股权投资公司,专注于在北美主要地区的消费和工业领域的中型企业进行主导收购和成长型股权投资。CCMP Growth充分利用其团队的丰富投资经验,识别处于转型阶段的高增长公司,并与管理团队合作,通过战略和运营支持帮助每个平台实现规模化。

SOURCE Mammoth Holdings

资讯来源 Mammoth Holdings




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