
CGI Teams Up With Wounded Warrior Project for New Veteran Support Platform

CGI Teams Up With Wounded Warrior Project for New Veteran Support Platform

Benzinga ·  2024/11/11 19:38

CGI (TSX:GIB) (NYSE:GIB), one of the largest independent IT and business consulting services firms in the world, today announced their involvement in a new portal designed by Wounded Warrior Project (WWP). The robust digital platform is available to wounded veterans and their loved ones and helps connect them to resources, support services, events and a network of thousands of veterans and family members globally. Called MyWWP, the platform is built on Salesforce, and is one of WWP's earliest projects using Experience Cloud as an interactive social platform.

CGI (tsx:GIB)(紐交所:GIB),全球最大獨立的IT和業務諮詢服務公司之一,今天宣佈參與由「傷殘戰士項目」(WWP)設計的新門戶的工作。這個強大的數字平台面向受傷退伍軍人及其親人開放,幫助他們連接資源、支持服務、活動以及全球數千名退伍軍人和家庭成員的網絡。該平台名爲MyWWP,建立在Salesforce上,是WWP早期項目之一,使用Experience Cloud作爲交互式社交平台。

WWP developed the portal in support of its mission to provide mental health services, career counseling, long-term rehabilitative care and advocacy to improve the lives of warriors and their families.


