
Resolution Therapeutics Announces New Clinical and Preclinical Data Showcasing Regenerative Macrophage Therapy at AASLD The Liver Meeting 2024 to Support the Ongoing Phase 1/2 Study for RTX001 in End-Stage Liver Disease

Resolution Therapeutics Announces New Clinical and Preclinical Data Showcasing Regenerative Macrophage Therapy at AASLD The Liver Meeting 2024 to Support the Ongoing Phase 1/2 Study for RTX001 in End-Stage Liver Disease

Resolution Therapeutics宣佈新的臨床和臨床前數據展示2024年AASLD肝臟年會上支持RTX001用於終末期肝病的1/2期研究。
PR Newswire ·  2024/11/11 03:30

– Complete 3-year clinical data from the MATCH Phase 2 study demonstrate long-term efficacy and safety with autologous, non-engineered macrophages in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis.

– MATCH階段2研究的完整3年臨床數據表明自體非工程巨噬細胞在患有晚期肝硬化的患者中具有長期療效和安全性。

– New preclinical data support superior anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect of RTX001, an engineered macrophage investigational therapy, compared to non-engineered macrophages.

– 新的臨床前數據支持RTX001,一種工程巨噬細胞的試驗性療法,具有優越的抗炎和抗纖維化效果,相較於非工程巨噬細胞。

– RTX001 has recently entered into a Phase 1/2 interventional study in end-stage liver disease.

– RTX001最近已進入針對晚期肝病的1/2期干預性研究。

EDINBURGH, Scotland and LONDON, Nov. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Resolution Therapeutics Limited ("Resolution" or "Company"), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company spun out of the University of Edinburgh pioneering regenerative macrophage therapy in inflammatory and fibrotic diseases, today announces new clinical and preclinical data highlighting the anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect of regenerative macrophage therapy. The data will be presented in oral and poster presentations at the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease (AASLD) The Liver Meeting 2024, which is being held in San Diego, California from 15-19 November 2024.

蘇格蘭愛丁堡和倫敦,2024年11月11日 / PRNewswire / —— Resolution Therapeutics Limited(「Resolution」或「公司」)是一家臨床階段的生物製藥公司,成立於愛丁堡大學,致力於在炎症性和纖維化疾病中開拓再生巨噬細胞療法,今天宣佈新的臨床和臨床前數據突出再生巨噬細胞療法的抗炎和抗纖維化效果。這些數據將在美國肝病研究協會(AASLD)2024年肝臟年會上的口頭和海報展示中呈現,此次年會定於2024年11月15日至19日在加利福尼亞聖迭戈舉行。

"We believe this strong data reinforces the differentiated potential of regenerative macrophage therapy to meet significant unmet patient needs across the spectrum of inflammatory and fibrotic disease. Based on the clinical data from the MATCH Phase 2 study, and the preclinical data on RTX001, we are confident engineered macrophages can transform patient outcomes in liver cirrhosis and beyond." said Dr Amir Hefni, Chief Executive Officer of Resolution Therapeutics. "With the EMERALD study now open for enrolment and actively recruiting patients, we look forward to generating important clinical data on RTX001 and bringing its therapeutic potential closer to patients in need."

「我們相信這些有力的數據強化了再生巨噬細胞療法的差異化潛力,以滿足炎症性和纖維化疾病領域顯著未被滿足的患者需求。根據MATCH階段2研究的臨床數據和RTX001的臨床前數據,我們相信工程巨噬細胞能夠改變肝硬化及其他領域患者的預後。」 Resolution Therapeutics首席執行官Amir Hefni博士說:「隨着愛文思控股研究現已開放招募並積極招募患者,我們期待爲RTX001產生重要的臨床數據,以使其治療潛力更貼近需要的患者。」

3-year MATCH Phase 2 study demonstrates long-term safety and efficacy with non-engineered macrophages
Data will be presented in an oral presentation titled, "Autologous macrophage therapy decreases major clinical outcomes in patients with compensated cirrhosis: extended data from a randomized controlled Phase 2 trial," by Professor Stuart Forbes. Patients with advanced liver cirrhosis were randomised to triple infusion of macrophages (n = 3), single infusion of macrophages (n = 23) and standard of care (n = 24). Key findings from the data include:

數據將在口頭報告中展示,標題爲「自體巨噬細胞療法降低代償性肝硬化患者的主要臨床結果:來自隨機對照的2期試驗的延長數據」,由Stuart Forbes教授分享。晚期肝硬化患者被隨機分配到巨噬細胞三次輸入組(n = 3)、巨噬細胞單次輸入組(n = 23)和常規護理組(n = 24)。數據的關鍵發現包括:

  • Significant reduction in deaths and liver transplants: 3 years after randomisation, 11 patients in the control group experienced 8 deaths and 3 liver transplants collectively, compared to 2 deaths and 0 liver transplants in the treatment groups (Chi-square=7.96, p=0.005).
  • Objective improvement in patient survival: Kaplan Meier analysis demonstrated improved outcomes in overall survival (log-rank test, p=0.018) and transplant-free survival (log-rank test, p=0.002) with macrophage treatment.
  • 在隨機分組後的3年裏,對照組中有11名患者共計發生8例死亡和3例肝移植,而治療組中有2例死亡和0例肝移植(卡方=7.96,p=0.005)。
  • 患者生存的客觀改善:Kaplan Meier分析顯示,巨噬細胞治療在整體生存率(log-rank檢驗,p=0.018)和無移植存活率(log-rank檢驗,p=0.002)方面取得了改善的結果。

Additional clinical insights will be shared during the oral presentation.


Professor Stuart Forbes, Scientific Co-founder of Resolution Therapeutics and Professor of Transplantation & Regenerative Medicine at the University of Edinburgh, said, "We are greatly encouraged by this data which reinforce the longer-term safety and efficacy of macrophage therapy in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis. The significant reduction in clinical events and improved survival observed encourage the further clinical development of novel macrophage therapies with first-in-class potential, like RTX001."


New preclinical data suggest superior anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect of RTX001 relative to non-engineered macrophages
In a poster presentation titled, "Preclinical proof of concept of safety and efficacy for RTX001, a novel autologous macrophage cell therapy product for end-stage liver disease," Dr Lara Campana will present preclinical proof-of-concept safety and efficacy data for RTX001. Key findings from the data include:

在題爲「RTX001,一種面向晚期肝臟疾病的新型自體巨噬細胞治療產品的安全性和有效性的臨床前概念驗證」海報展示中,Lara Campana博士將介紹RTX001的臨床前概念驗證安全性和有效性數據。數據的主要發現包括:

  • Engineering with IL-10 and MMP9 delivers enhanced anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect: RTX001 showed superior anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect in vitro versus non-engineered macrophages.
  • Well-tolerated safety profile: In vivo testing of RTX001 showed no safety concerns and a reduction in fibrosis score, further supporting its anti-fibrotic effect.
  • Preclinical profile supportive of clinical development: Preclinical data generated to date on RTX001 provide a rationale to progress the product candidate into clinical evaluation.
  • 使用IL-10和MMP9工程技術提供了增強的抗炎和抗纖維化效果:RTX001在體外顯示出相對於非工程巨噬細胞更優越的抗炎和抗纖維化效果。
  • 良好的耐受性安全剖面:RTX001的體內測試顯示沒有安全問題,並且纖維化評分降低,進一步支持其抗纖維化效果。
  • 至今產生的RTX001的臨床前數據爲將產品候選推進臨床評估提供了理由。

Dr Lara Campana, Scientific Co-Founder and Vice President of Research Operations of Resolution Therapeutics, said, "These preclinical data underscore the strength of RTX001's engineering to provide superior anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrotic effect relative to non-engineered macrophages without any compromise to safety. We look forward to deepening our understanding of RTX001 as it enters the clinic and to delivering on the opportunity of macrophage therapy to revolutionise the way inflammatory and fibrotic diseases are treated."

Resolution Therapeutics的科學聯合創始人兼研究運營副總裁拉拉·卡姆帕納博士表示:「這些臨床前數據突顯了RTX001工程的強大之處,能夠提供優越的抗炎和抗纖維化效果,相對於非工程巨噬細胞而言,並且沒有犧牲安全性。我們期待深入了解RTX001,隨着它進入臨床,將有機會革新炎症和纖維化疾病治療的方式。」

Presentation materials will be made available on the Publications page of the Company's website following the event.


The EMERALD Phase 1/2 interventional study for RTX001 is now recruiting, to investigate the safety and efficacy of RTX001 in patients with ESLD who have recovered from a recent hepatic decompensation.




About RTX001
RTX001 is an engineered, autologous regenerative macrophage therapy with enhanced anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory effect. The product candidate is engineered with IL-10-MMP9 mRNA to enhance the natural regenerative properties of macrophages for superior efficacy and durability. RTX001 is being evaluated in the ongoing Phase 1/2 EMERALD study.

RTX001是一種工程、自體再生巨噬細胞治療,具有增強的抗纖維化和抗炎效果。該產品候選者通過IL-10-MMP9 mRNA工程化,以增強巨噬細胞的天然再生特性,實現卓越的療效和持久性。RTX001正在進行中的EMERALD第1/2期研究中得到評估。

EMERALD is a first-in-human, open-label Phase 1/2 interventional study assessing the safety and efficacy of RTX001 in patients with end-stage liver disease who have recovered from a recent hepatic decompensation. It is conducted in the UK and Spain and began recruiting patients in October 2024. More details on .

EMERALD是一項首次用於人體的開放性Phase 1/2干預性研究,評估RTX001在最近肝性失代償康復的晚期肝病患者中的安全性和有效性。該研究在英國和西班牙進行,並於2024年10月開始招募患者。更多詳情請點擊。

About Resolution Therapeutics
Resolution Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company pioneering regenerative macrophage therapy in inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. The Company leverages its proprietary platform to develop macrophages with pro-regenerative properties for superior patient outcomes. Resolution's initial focus is on developing RTX001, its lead product with first-in-class potential supported by preclinical data demonstrating anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory advantages relative to non-engineered macrophages, to treat patients with end-stage liver disease. The Company is also advancing efforts to expand its platform into inflammatory and fibrotic indications beyond liver disease, including graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) and lung fibrosis. Resolution, a spinout from Professor Stuart Forbes's lab at the University of Edinburgh, is based in Edinburgh and London. Learn more by visiting and engage with us on LinkedIn.

關於Resolution Therapeutics
Resolution Therapeutics是一家臨床階段的生物製藥公司,致力於在炎症性和纖維化疾病中開創再生巨噬細胞療法。該公司利用其專有平台開發具有促再生特性的巨噬細胞,以實現優越的患者預後。Resolution最初專注於開發RTX001,其主力產品具有首創潛力,並得到臨床前數據的支持,顯示相對於非經過工程處理的巨噬細胞具有抗纖維化和抗炎優勢,用於治療晚期肝病患者。該公司還在推進其努力,將其平台拓展到超出肝病範圍的炎症性和纖維化指徵,包括移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)和肺纖維化。Resolution是從英國愛丁堡大學Stuart Forbes教授實驗室分離出來的,總部設在愛丁堡和倫敦。欲了解更多,請訪問,也歡迎關注我們的LinkedIn。

AASLD is the leading organization of scientists and health care professionals committed to preventing and curing liver disease. It fosters research that leads to improved treatment options for millions of liver disease patients. It advances the science and practice of hepatology through educational conferences, training programs, professional publications, and partnerships with government agencies and sister societies.


SOURCE Resolution Therapeutics

來源:Resolution Therapeutics




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