
港股异动 | 航空股早盘走低 三大航均实现单季度盈利 美银预计航司第四季度平均录得净亏损

HK Stocks Movement | Aviation/airlines industry stocks fell in the morning session, all three major airlines achieved quarterly profits, with Bank of America predicting an average net loss for airlines in the fourth quarter.

Zhitong Finance ·  Nov 11, 2024 10:37

Aviation stocks fell in early trading. As of the time of publication, Meilan Airport (00357) fell by 7.46% to HK$8.81; Air China Limited (00753) fell by 4.27% to HK$4.48; China Southern Airlines (01055) fell by 3.37% to HK$3.44; China Eastern Airlines (00670) fell by 1.67% to HK$2.35.

According to the Securities Times app, aviation stocks fell in early trading. As of the time of publication, Meilan Airport (00357) fell by 7.46% to HK$8.81; Air China Limited (00753) fell by 4.27% to HK$4.48; China Southern Airlines (01055) fell by 3.37% to HK$3.44; China Eastern Airlines (00670) fell by 1.67% to HK$2.35.

Da Hua Jixian previously stated that the three major airlines turned losses into profits in the strong season of the third quarter, but their core performance was slightly below expectations, with core operating profit decreasing by 19% to 29% year on year. The bank stated that the underperformance of the three major airlines was due to costs slightly higher than expected, along with a decline in yields. Due to airline industry overcapacity, combined with the weak balance sheets of major airlines, the industry maintained a 'shareholding' rating.

Bank of America Securities released a research report stating that Chinese airlines returned to profit in the third quarter of 2024, with trends slightly better than the bank's expectations. Chinese airlines are expected to average a net loss in the fourth quarter of 2024 due to slowing seasonal demand, with a projected 7% year-on-year decrease in unit revenue and a 10% year-on-year decrease in unit costs due to falling fuel prices and increased capacity. The bank has a negative view on the three major airlines. Profit recovery by 2025 is expected to be limited, with pricing power in the domestic market difficult to improve, and the international market facing additional pricing pressure.

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