
前日に動いた銘柄 part2 富士古河E&C、マネーパートナーズグループ、RSCなど

Stocks that moved the previous day part 2: Fujikogane E&C, Moneypartners Group, RSC, etc.

Fisco Japan ·  Nov 2, 2024 06:32

<コード>Stock name 1 day closing price ⇒ compared to the previous day

TIS<3626> 3630 -196

Financial results surprises are limited, and there are concerns that future system development projects will shrink.

Nikkei Gold HD <5703> 1530 -115

Ordinary income for the first half of the year was lower than previously planned.

KOSE <4922> 7885 -511

One of the major cosmetics companies was affected by the Estée Lauder shock.

Shiseido <4911> 3158 -202

It was cheap following the sharp drop of the US Estee Lauder.

Nomura Micro Science <6254> 2033 -129

Operating income for the first half of the year was revised downward.

Fujikura <5803> 5430 -302

Sales proceeded profitably in the high price range in response to deteriorating conditions.

Renesas Electronics <6723> 1991.5 -118.5

The third quarter financial results continued to be viewed negatively.

TOWA <6315> 1914 -114

The SOX index is drastically lower and semiconductor-related weakness.

MOL <9104> 5179 -44

We continue to evaluate upward revisions and share buybacks.

SCREEN<7735> 10015 -15

There is also a bottom price movement due to upward revisions in full-year earnings.

Fuji-Furukawa E & C <1775> 6510 +1000

Became a wholly owned subsidiary of Fuji Electric through a stock exchange.


The exchange rate Dotcom implemented TOB for 475 yen.

J-SCOM HD <3779> 189 +26

The transfer of subsidiary shares has been announced.

YS FOOD <3358> 111 +17

The acquisition of “Tajima Ramen” is announced.

Weldish <2901> 825 +70

The full-year operating surplus forecast was revised upward.

RSC<4664> 1100 -300

It was a reaction that was manipulated and skyrocketed.

Nikka Chemical <4463> 1131 -145

The slowdown in earnings growth for the July-9 fiscal year was viewed as negative.

GALA <4777> 223 -25

The 31st was significantly higher due to license agreements with Chinese companies.

Celia <2782> 2875 -290

The slight upward correction for the full year was viewed as negative.

Beaute HD <3041> 440 -55

There is no material, and the reaction of the sharp rise continues.

JTEC <2479> 232 +5

Operating profit for the first half increased 48.9%, and the rate of increase expanded from a 21.5% increase in the first quarter.

Nifty Life <4262> 897 +27

Operating profit for the first half decreased by 4.0%, but the rate of decline shrank from the 32.3% decrease in the first quarter.

TDSE<7046> 1330 -51

The earnings forecast for the fiscal year ending 25/3 was revised downward.

J・TEC <7774> 500 -2

Operating profit and loss for the first quarter from a deficit of 0.207 billion yen and a deficit of 0.193 billion yen in the first quarter

The deficit widened. The upper price is heavy.

Netyear <3622> 528 -20

The net profit forecast for the fiscal year ending 25/3 was revised downward.


It achieved a development milestone and was purchased on the 31st with a lump-sum payment of 0.1 billion yen received.

Sales advantage for 1 day.

VEGA<3542> 740 -73

The rate of progress for the first half of the year compared to the full-year forecast operating profit remains at 24.5%.

Fandelie <3137> 245 -4

Operating profit and loss for the first half from a deficit of 0.128 billion yen and a surplus of 0.046 billion yen in the same period last year

fell into the red. The lower price is firm.

J-stream <4308> 358 -8

Operating profit for the first half increased 40.1% and became popular on the 31st, but it had a long upward beard.

Sales advantage for 1 day.

Micreed <7687> 437 +40

Financial results and dividend forecasts for the fiscal year ending 25/3 were revised upward.

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