featured highlights include: Williams-Sonoma, SS&C Technologies, Teradyne, First Horizon National and Ares Capital featured highlights include: Williams-Sonoma, SS&C Technologies, Teradyne, First Horizon National and Ares Capital
For Immediate Release
Chicago, IL – January 28, 2020 – Stocks in this week’s article are Williams-Sonoma, Inc. (WSM-Free Report) , SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. (SSNC-Free Report) , Teradyne, Inc. (TER-Free Report) , First Horizon National Corp. (FHN-Free Report) and Ares Capital Corp. (ARCC-Free Report) .
伊利諾伊州芝加哥 – 2020年1月28日 – 本週文章中的股票是 Williams-Sonoma,公司(Williams-Sonoma-免費報告), SS&C科技控股,公司(SSNC-免費報告), Teradyne,公司(泰瑞達-免費報告), 第一地平線國家銀行CORP. (FHN-免費報告) 和 阿瑞斯. (ARCC-免費報告) .
Buy These 5 Top-Ranked Stocks with Robust Sales Growth
Investors often fail to consider sales growth as a dependable metric when it comes to selecting stocks. This might be because of their preconceived notion that a company’s stock price is typically sensitive to its earnings momentum. However, betting on stocks based on such a perception may not prove worthwhile.
It’s worth keeping in mind that in cases when companies incur a loss, although briefly, they are valued on their revenues not earnings, as top-line growth (or decline) is usually an indicator of a company’s future earnings performance.
Further, in contrast with price to earnings and price to book ratios, which can turn negative and cease to be relevant, the price-to-sales (P/S) ratio is available even for firms that have hit choppy waters.
此外,與市盈率和市凈率不同,市銷率(P/S)即使對那些經歷波動的公司也是適用的。 沃特世.
Also, a company can improve earnings by resorting to cost control measures while maintaining stable revenues. However, superior profits could be achieved through continued revenue growth.
Further, earnings and book value are largely influenced by several factors. However, management has limited opportunities to manipulate sales, which further underscores the importance of P/S ratio.
A huge sales number does not necessarily convert into profits. Hence, considering a company’s cash position along with its sales number can prove to be more prudent. Substantial cash in hand and a steady cash flow lend a company more flexibility with respect to business decisions and investments.
巨大的銷售數字並不一定會轉化爲利潤。因此,考慮公司的現金狀況及其銷售數字可能更爲明智。 substantial cash in hand 和穩定的現金流爲公司在業務決策和投資方面提供了更多靈活性。
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關於本週篩選 created the first and best screening system on the web earning the distinction as the "#1 site for screening stocks" by Money Magazine. But powerful screening tools is just the start. That is why Zacks created the Screen of the Week to highlight profitable stock picking strategies that investors can actively use. 創建了第一個也是最好的在線篩選系統,被《財富》雜誌評選爲 "最佳股票篩選網站"。但強大的篩選工具只是開始。這就是爲什麼 Zacks 創建了每週篩選,突出投資者可以積極使用的盈利股票選擇策略。
Strong Stocks that Should Be in the News
Many are little publicized and fly under the Wall Street radar. They're virtually unknown to the general public. Yet today's 220 Zacks Rank #1 "Strong Buys" were generated by the stock-picking system that has more than doubled the market from 1988 through 2016. Its average gain has been a stellar +25% per year. See these high-potential stocks free >>.
許多股票鮮有宣傳,避開了華爾街的雷達。它們對公衆幾乎是未知的。然而,今天的220只 Zacks 排名 #1的 "強烈買入" 股票是由在1988年至2016年期間使市場回報翻倍的選股系統生成的。其平均增幅爲 恒星幣 每年 +25%。請免費查看這些高潛力股票 >>。
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