

Director Su Qiwen of Hongxing Company (001209.SZ) received a warning letter from the Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau.

Zhitong Finance ·  Oct 31, 2024 21:12

Hongxing Stocks (001209.SZ) announced that Mr. Su Qiwenn, a supervisor of the company, recently received a decision from the China Securities Regulatory Commission...

According to the Zhichuan Finance APP, Hongxing Stocks (001209.SZ) announced that Mr. Su Qiwenn, a supervisor of the company, recently received a decision from the Guangdong Regulatory Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission on issuing a warning letter to Su Qiwenn. The decision pointed out that as a company supervisor, from September 18 to 30, 2024, his spouse Wang Lei traded company stocks through their securities account, involving buying and selling within six months of purchase. The total purchase was 0.0259 million shares with a transaction amount of 0.2977 million yuan, and the total sale was 0.0258 million shares with a transaction amount of 0.3423 million yuan.

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