

Green Link technology (301606.SZ): Even facing high tariffs in the usa market, the company can cover costs by raising prices.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Oct 31, 2024 15:23

Green Link Technology (301606.SZ) stated at an investor relations event on October 31st that despite the higher tariffs in the USA market, the company faces relatively lower tariffs in other countries, providing the company with opportunities for market diversification. In terms of pricing strategy, the company will comprehensively consider factors such as product costs, platform fees, etc., to ensure that the gross margin remains within a reasonable range. Even in the face of higher tariffs in the USA market, the company can maintain profitability by raising prices to cover costs. By optimizing cost structure and increasing product added value, the company can maintain a higher gross margin in overseas markets. In the future, the company will continue to expand its offline channels to increase market share and reduce the impact of tariffs.

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