Frontken Q3 Growth: Profit 30%, Revenue 8% YoY
Frontken Q3 Growth: Profit 30%, Revenue 8% YoY
Frontken Corporation Bhd today announced key financial results showing a 29.7% growth year-on-year (YoY) for its profit net of tax for the quarter ended Sept 30, 2024, and an 8.1% growth YoY for its revenue in the same quarter, revealed the company in a filing with the Securities Commission (SC) Malaysia.
Frontken Corporation Bhd今天公佈了關鍵財務業績,顯示截至2024年9月30日的季度稅後利潤同比增長29.7%,同期收入同比增長8.1%,該公司在向馬來西亞證券委員會(SC)提交的文件中透露。
The quarterly net profit growth is higher by the gauge labelled as "profit attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent", which amounted to RM35 million (RM35,323,000) in 2024, up from RM27 million (RM26,746,000) in 2023, growing 32.1% YoY.
按照 「歸屬於母公司普通股股東的利潤」 的指標,季度淨利潤增長更高,該指標在2024年達到3500萬令吉(35,323,000令吉),高於2023年的2700萬令吉(26,746,000令吉),同比增長32.1%。
In the third quarter of 2024, the semiconductor service provider received RM144 million (RM144,305,000) in revenue, and the profit net of tax amounted to RM39 million (RM38,880,000).
In the corresponding quarter in 2023, the company received a revenue amounted to RM133 million (RM133,523,000) and the profit net of tax came to RM30 million (RM29,972,000).
Meanwhile, the company's year-to-date (YTD) revenue for the first nine months of 2024 rose to RM420 million (RM419,747,000) from RM369 million (RM368,662,000) recorded in 2023, marking a 13.9% increase YoY.
The company's YTD profit net of tax in 2024 stood at RM109 million (RM108,786,000), up from RM91 million (RM91,086,000) YTD in 2023, increasing by 19.4% YoY.