
Isolved Research: Burnout Eroding Engagement as 8 in 10 Employees Struggle in an Uncertain, Changing Workplace

Isolved Research: Burnout Eroding Engagement as 8 in 10 Employees Struggle in an Uncertain, Changing Workplace

PR Newswire ·  10/28 21:02

New Report Uncovers the Impact of Burnout, Job Mobility, and Benefits Gaps on Employee Retention and Engagement


CHARLOTTE, N.C., Oct. 28, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- isolved, the most-trusted human capital management (HCM) partner, today announced the findings from its 2024-2025 "Voice of the Workforce: Balancing Engagement, Burnout and Benefits in a Changing Workforce" report. The survey of over 1,000 full-time U.S. employees reveals key challenges facing today's workforce, including increasing levels of burnout, heightened job mobility and a growing gap in benefits offerings.

北卡羅來納州夏洛特,2024年10月28日/美通社/ -- isolved作爲最值得信賴的人力資本管理(HCM)合作伙伴,isolved今天宣佈了其2024-2025年《員工群體之聲:平衡參與度、倦怠和福利在不斷變化的員工隊伍中》報告的調查結果。超過1,000名全職美國員工的調查揭示了當今員工隊伍面臨的關鍵挑戰,包括倦怠水平不斷升高、職業流動增加和福利提供之間存在巨大差距。

The report reveals that 8 in 10 employees (79%) have experienced burnout in the last year, impacting both productivity and engagement. Over half of the workforce (53%) surveyed reported that burnout has reduced their engagement, while a further 36% say it has directly impacted their productivity and output. In fact, burnout is the number-one factor preventing employees from going above and beyond in their roles, according to the report — particularly affecting Millennial and Gen Z workers, who are 10% more likely to report burnout compared to Baby Boomers. For businesses, this should be a major concern, as lower engagement often correlates with higher turnover, increased absenteeism and reduced quality of work.


"Burnout is eroding employee engagement at a time when companies need their teams to perform at their best. While 92% of employees say they are fully committed to their jobs and company mission, many are still struggling," said Celia Fleischaker, Chief Marketing Officer at isolved. "Organizations that proactively address burnout along with benefits dissatisfaction, the need for flexibility and job insecurity will not only retain top talent but also cultivate a workforce that is empowered, resilient and future ready."


With employees increasingly seeking better benefits, flexibility and job security, businesses must act swiftly to retain talent as burnout, job mobility and dissatisfaction drive workforce changes. Below are the key findings from the report that shed light on these critical trends:


  • 72% of Employees are Restless and 93% are Ready to Keep Moving: Despite higher employee engagement this year (92%) versus 82% in 2023, 72% of employees are looking to change jobs in the next year—an increase of nearly 14 percentage points over 2023. The data shows men are more likely than women to consider changing jobs. Most astonishingly, 9 in 10 of the recent job changers said they are already looking to jump again.
  • 1 in 4 Employees Say They Are Leaving for Better Benefits: Benefits are increasingly a deciding factor in job changes, with 24% of employees leaving for better benefits in 2024. This points to a general shortfall in the quality of benefits employers are offering, according to the report, which notes that only 43% of employees have health insurance through their employer, and only 35% have access to paid time off (PTO).
  • Half of the workforce chooses jobs based on flexible work arrangements, as half of the workforce favors hybrid or remote work setups, and flexibility ranks as the top motivator for accepting new job offers. Lack of flexibility is also a key factor in job turnover, with 1 in 10 employees seeking new jobs specifically for more flexibility.
  • 58% of employees are worried about layoffs, and career development remains a top priority across all levels of the organization. While 88% of employees do say they feel valued, they are seeking more support for career growth and stability.
  • 60% of employees have experienced payroll errors due to disjointed processes, lack of clear information or outdated paper systems. These errors, such as missing hours or delayed payments, can create significant frustration—enough to push 37% of employees to seek new job opportunities.
  • The report also uncovers mixed employee views on the impact of AI. While 69% of employees say they are leveraging AI in their roles for routine tasks, 37% expressed concern that AI poses a threat to their job security.
  • 72%的員工感到不安,93%準備繼續前進:儘管今年員工參與度更高(92%)比2023年的82%要高,但72%的員工計劃在明年換工作—較2023年增加了近14個百分點。數據顯示,男性比女性更有可能考慮換工作。最令人驚訝的是,最近換工作的十人中九人表示他們已經在考慮再次跳槽。
  • 四分之一的員工表示他們因更好的福利而離職:福利越來越成爲換工作的決定因素,2024年有24%的員工因獲得更好的福利而離職。報告指出,這表明僱主提供福利質量普遍不足,只有43%的員工通過僱主獲得健康保險,只有35%的員工有帶薪休假的機會。
  • 一半的勞動力根據靈活的工作安排選擇工作,一半的勞動力偏愛混合或遠程工作模式,靈活性排名首位成爲接受新工作機會的最主要動力。缺乏靈活性也是換工作的關鍵因素,十名員工中有一人專門尋求更多靈活性而找新工作。
  • 58%的員工擔心裁員,職業發展始終是組織各層次的頭等大事。雖然88%的員工確實表示感到受重視,但他們尋求更多支持來實現職業增長和穩定。
  • 60%的員工由於流程脫節、信息不清晰或過時的紙質系統而經歷過薪資錯誤。這些錯誤,比如漏記工時或延遲支付,可能引發極大的沮喪—足以促使37%的員工尋求新的工作機會。
  • 報告還揭示了員工對人工智能影響的不同看法。雖然69%的員工說他們在日常工作中利用人工智能來處理常規任務,但有37%的人表達了人工智能對其工作安全構成威脅的擔憂。

For more information on employee pain points and priorities, download the full report: "2024-2025 Voice of the Workforce: Balancing Engagement, Burnout and Benefits in a Changing Workforce."

要了解更多有關員工痛點和重點的信息,請下載完整報告: "2024-2025年員工之聲:在變革中平衡參與度、燃盡和福利。"

Download the infographic: Don't Frighten Your Workforce with Scary Employee Experiences


About isolved


isolved is the most trusted HCM technology leader, providing the best combination of software and services to meet the needs of today's People Heroes – HR, payroll, and benefits professionals. From talent acquisition to workforce management to talent management, our solutions are delivered directly or through our HRO partner network to more than 7 million employees and 177,000 employers across all 50 states – who use them every day to increase productivity, accelerate decision-making and ensure performance, while reducing risk. isolved People Cloud, our intelligently connected platform, automates the entire employee experience by design, so that organizations can engage, empower, and energize their talent while freeing their People Heroes to exceed their goals and grow their careers. Visit to learn more.

isolved是最值得信賴的HCm技術領導者,提供最佳的軟件和服務組合,以滿足當今的人員英雄-人力資源、工資和福利專業人員的需求。從人才招聘到勞動力管理再到人才管理,我們的解決方案直接交付或通過我們的HRO合作伙伴網絡提供給全50個州的700萬名員工和17.7萬家僱主-他們每天使用這些解決方案來提高生產力、加速決策並確保績效,同時降低風險。我們的isolved People Cloud智能連接平台通過設計自動化整個員工體驗,使組織能夠吸引、賦權並激勵他們的人才,同時讓他們的人才英雄超越目標並發展他們的職業。訪問 以了解更多。

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