
Oil Prices Drop As Israeli Airstrikes Spare Iran's Oil Facilities

Oil Prices Drop As Israeli Airstrikes Spare Iran's Oil Facilities

Business Today ·  07:35

Oil prices fell on Sunday after Israeli airstrikes, widely anticipated to target Iranian oil infrastructure, focused instead on Iranian air-defence and military installations. West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude dropped 4.4% to US$68.68 per barrel, while Brent crude fell 4% to US$72.55, as concerns over a wider Middle East conflict eased.


Market tensions had driven prices up last week, with expectations that Israeli retaliation for an Iranian missile attack on 1 October could impact Iran's oil facilities, potentially disrupting global supply. However, the targeted airstrikes were limited in scope, leading experts to anticipate stabilising prices.


Jay Hatfield, CEO of Infrastructure Capital Advisors, noted that the attacks "avoided hitting energy infrastructure" and suggested this restraint may help oil prices "return to our estimated US$75–US$95 fair value range" as demand increases during the winter season.

製造行業資本顧問公司首席執行官傑伊·哈特菲爾德(Jay Hatfield)指出,這些襲擊「避開了能源基礎設施」,並暗示這種剋制可能有助於油價「回歸到我們估計的每桶75至95美元的合理價位區間」,因爲需求在冬季增加。

Despite the recent dip, some analysts warn that instability in the region persists. Phil Flynn of the Price Futures Group commented, "If you think this one attack is going to end the hostilities, I don't think so... I would assume that Iran is going to try to get their proxies to regroup and respond in some way."

儘管最近出現下跌,但一些分析師警告稱,該地區的不穩定局勢仍在持續。價格期貨集團的菲爾·弗林(Phil Flynn)評論說,「如果你認爲這次襲擊會終結敵對行動,我不這麼認爲...我認爲伊朗會試圖讓他們的代理人重新集結,並以某種方式做出回應。」

In related markets, US stock futures rose on Sunday, with Dow Jones Industrial Average futures up 0.4% and Nasdaq-100 futures gaining 0.5%. The Nasdaq closed last week with its longest winning streak of the year.




