
Stena RoRo Takes Delivery of RoPax Vessel Saint-Malo With Strong Focus on Sustainability

Stena RoRo Takes Delivery of RoPax Vessel Saint-Malo With Strong Focus on Sustainability

Stena RoRo接收了以強調可持續性爲主要焦點的RoPax船舶Saint-Malo
PR Newswire ·  10/25 17:45

GOTHENBURG, Sweden, Oct. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stena RoRo last week took delivery of E-Flexer No. 11 - in a series of 15 vessels - from the Chinese shipyard CMI Jinling (Weihai). The ship is the Saint-Malo and is long-term chartered to the French shipping company Brittany Ferries. In February next year, the ship will enter the Portsmouth - Saint-Malo route, where she will replace the Bretagne, which has sailed on the route since 1987. This is the fourth of five ordered E-Flexer vessels that will be part of Brittany Ferries' fleet.

瑞典哥德堡,2024年10月25日 /PRNewswire/ -- Stena RoRo上週從中國船廠CMI Jinling (威海)接收了第11艘E-Flexer船隻,這是15艘船隻中的一艘。這艘船是Saint-Malo,長期租賃給法國船公司布列塔尼渡輪。明年2月,該船將進入朴茨茅斯 - 聖馬洛航線,取代自1987年起就一直在該航線上航行的Bretagne。這是布列塔尼渡輪訂單的第四艘五艘E-Flexer船隻。

The Saint-Malo is now on its way to Europe and is expected to arrive at its home port by the end of the year and enter service on February 12, 2025.
As with four of the five E-Flexer ships that Stena RoRo is delivering to Brittany Ferries, the vessel will be powered by multi-fuel engines as well as the market's largest battery-hybrid package of a whopping 12 MWh. With the help of these batteries, the ship will be able to operate in and out of port with batteries only and even maneuver during docking and departure without the ship's diesel engines being in operation.
This is a unique technical solution that produces significantly lower CO2 emissions.
The Saint-Malo is also equipped with a shore connection with an output of 8 MW for high-speed charging of the batteries, enabling a completely fossil-free stay when in port. With the installed battery capacity, the vessel can run at speeds of up to 17.5 knots on batteries alone.
The ship's modern interior (designed by Figura Arkitekter AB) creates added value and with clear influences from the Brittany region. With over 380 passenger cabins in various categories, the Saint-Malo is the E-Flexer with the highest passenger cabin capacity.
The ship's engines can be powered by marine diesel (MGO), liquefied natural gas (LNG) or biodiesel and biogas. In addition, the PTI/PTO system with the Battery Power function can be used for propulsion or maneuvering in port. The system is scalable, which means that in the future the Saint-Malo can operate entirely on batteries or on a combination of these different fuels.
The E-Flexer concept has been continuously developed in line with future environmental requirements and, through its technical design and degree of innovation, can fulfill and exceed both existing and future international requirements.
The E-Flexer series utilizes a basic concept with vessels larger than most existing RoPax ferries and is highly flexible. Each ship is tailored to customers' needs, both commercially and technically. An optimized design of the hull, propellers and rudders together with opportunities to incorporate new environmentally friendly technology contribute to the E-Flexer vessels being at the absolute forefront in terms of sustainability, performance and cost and energy efficiency.
"It is with great satisfaction and pride that we've now taken delivery of the eleventh E-Flexer vessel in the series," says Per Westling, CEO Stena RoRo AB. "Within the framework of the E-Flexer concept, there has been continuous technical development, and we can offer our customers very flexible and future-proof propulsion systems that by a margin meet both present and future environmental requirements. The large battery hybrid system we installed on the Saint-Malo means that the ship can operate optimally, in steps with regulatory developments, or in accordance with the operator's own policies."
The Saint-Malo is being chartered to Brittany Ferries for 10 years with a purchase option after four years.
The total of five E-Flexer ships ordered by Brittany Ferries are renewing and modernizing the company's current fleet of cargo and passenger ships. The first ferry, the Galicia was delivered in autumn of 2020, the second in November 2021, the third in December 2023. In October 2024, the Saint-Malo, which is the fourth vessel, was delivered, and in early January 2025, delivery of the fifth and final vessel is scheduled.
Stena RoRo has placed 15 orders for E-Flexer vessels with CMI Jinling, the Weihai shipyard, as well as two New Max RoRo vessels. Eleven vessels have now been delivered.
Specifications for Stena E-Flexer orders:

與Stena RoRo交付給布列塔尼渡輪的五艘E-Flexer船隻中的四艘一樣,這艘船將由多燃料發動機和市場上最大的電池混合動力包—高達12兆瓦時提供動力。藉助這些電池,船隻將能夠僅使用電池在港口內外運行,甚至在停泊和啓航過程中操縱而無需啓動船舶柴油發動機。
由Figura Arkitekter AB設計的船舶現代內飾爲其創造了附加價值,明顯受到布列塔尼地區的影響。聖馬洛擁有380多個不同類別的客艙,是客艙容量最大的E-Flexer。
船隻的發動機可以使用船舶柴油 (MGO),液化天然氣 (LNG) 或生物柴油和生物天然氣提供動力。此外,帶有電池動力功能的PTI/PTO系統可用於推進或在港口操縱。該系統具有可擴展性,這意味着未來聖馬洛可以完全使用電池運行,或者使用這些不同燃料的組合。
"我們非常滿意並自豪地宣佈,我們已經接收了E-Flexer系列的第十一艘船舶," Stena RoRo Ab的CEO Per Westling說。"在E-Flexer概念的框架內,不斷進行技術發展,我們可以爲客戶提供非常靈活和未來性強的推進系統,滿足現在和未來環境要求,並且我們在聖馬洛號上安裝的大型電池混合系統使得該船可以在法規發展步伐中進行最佳運行,或者根據運營商自身政策進行操作。"
Stena RoRo已向CMI Jinling、威海造船廠以及兩艘New Max RoRo船舶訂購了15艘E-Flexer船舶。其中已經交付了十一艘船。
Stena E-Flexer訂單規格:

  1. Stena Line: Stena Line network in the Irish Sea; delivery 2019
  2. Stena Line; Stena Line's network in the Irish Sea, delivery 2020
  3. Brittany Ferries: Brittany Ferries network; delivery 2020
    Long-term charter agreement
  4. Stena Line: Stena Line network in the Irish Sea; delivery 2021
  5. DFDS; DFDS network; delivery 2021
    Long-term charter agreement
  6. Brittany Ferries: Brittany Ferries network; delivery 2021
    Long-term charter agreement; LNG operation
  7. Stena Line; Stena Line network, delivered from the shipyard in May 2022
    Extended version
  8. Stena Line; Stena Line network, delivered from the shipyard in September 2022
    Extended version
  9. Brittany Ferries: Brittany Ferries network; delivery December 2022
    Long-term charter agreement, LNG operation
  10. Marine Atlantic; Marine Atlantic network, delivery February 2024
    Long charter agreement; LNG operation with battery-hybrid installation
  11. Brittany Ferries: Brittany Ferries network, delivery 2024
    Long charter agreement; LNG operation with battery-hybrid installation
  12. Brittany Ferries: Brittany Ferries network, delivery 2025
    Long charter agreement; LNG operation with battery-hybrid installation
  13. Corsica Linea, Corsica Linea network, delivery 2026
    LNG operation with battery-hybrid installation
  14. Attica Group, delivery April 2027
    Methanol-ready, battery-hybrid installation
  15. Attica Group, delivery August 2027
    Methanol-ready, battery-hybrid installation
  1. Stena Line:Stena Line愛爾蘭海區網絡;2019年交付
  2. Stena Line;Stena Line愛爾蘭海區網絡,2020年交付
  3. Brittany Ferries:Brittany Ferries網絡;2020年交付
  4. Stena Line:Stena Line愛爾蘭海區網絡;2021年交付
  5. DFDS;DFDS網絡;2021年交付
  6. 英國法瑞渡輪: 英國法瑞渡輪網絡; 2021年交付
    開多期租協議; 天然氣運營
  7. Stena Line; Stena Line網絡,於2022年5月從船廠交付
  8. Stena Line; Stena Line網絡,於2022年9月從船廠交付
  9. 英國法瑞渡輪: 英國法瑞渡輪網絡; 2022年12月交付
  10. Marine Atlantic; Marine Atlantic網絡,2024年2月交付
  11. 布列塔尼渡輪:布列塔尼渡輪網絡,2024年交付
  12. 布列塔尼渡輪:布列塔尼渡輪網絡,2025年交付
  13. 科西嘉航線,科西嘉航線網絡,2026年交付
  14. Attica集團,交貨日期2027年4月
  15. Attica集團,交貨日期2027年8月

Background facts about E-Flexer No. 11 for Brittany Ferries:
Length: 240 m
Draught: 6.4 m
Breadth: 27.8 m
Capacity: 1290 passengers and 3320 cargo meters freight
Passenger cabins: 387 distributed over ten decks
Speed: 24 knots (17.5 on batteries only)
Photos: Foton: CMJS Shipyard

關於布列塔尼渡輪E-Flexer No. 11的背景事實:
長度:240 米
吃水:6.4 米
寬度:27.8 米

  1. Brittany FerriesSaint-Malo
  2. Public area – Breizh Ma Bro Bar
  3. Luxury cabin
  4. Sun deck
  1. 布列塔尼渡輪-聖馬洛
  2. 公共區域- Breizh Ma Bro 酒吧
  3. 豪華客艙
  4. 日光甲板

For more information, please contact:
Per Westling, Managing Director, Stena RoRo AB
Tel: +46 31 855154; +46 704 85 51 54
Email: [email protected]
Since 1977, Stena RoRo has led the development of new marine RoRo, cargo and passenger concepts. We provide custom-built vessels, as well as standardized RoRo and RoPax vessels. The company leases about fifteen vessels to operators worldwide, both other Stena companies and third parties. Stena RoRo specializes above all in using its technical expertise for the design and production of new vessels, and the conversion and technical operation of existing vessels in order to deliver tailor-made transport solutions to its customers. We call this "Stenability". Since 2013, we have had responsibility for the design and completion of Mercy Ships' new hospital vessel the Global Mercy – the world's largest civilian hospital ship. The ship was delivered in 2021.

Brittany Ferries is a French ferry company and tour operator based in Roscoff, France. The company was founded by an agricultural cooperative in Breton for exporting vegetables to the UK. The first ferry voyage was from Roscoff to Plymoth on January 2, 1972, the day after the UK joined the EEC – the European Economic Community, the predecessor to the EU. The cargo consisted of artichokes and cauliflower. The company quickly expanded with more ships and routes when it became clear that the biggest market was British tourists who wanted to explore Brittany and later Normandy. Brittany Ferries presently operates 14 routes connecting France, Great Britain, Spain and Ireland. In a normal year, the company has sales of approximately 450 million Euros and transports approximately 2.5 million passengers and 205,000 freight units. The company is still largely owned by French farmers, supported by the regions of Brittany and Normandy, and prides itself on being the largest employer of seafarers in France.

Per Westling,董事總經理,Stena RoRo AB
電話:+46 31 855154;+46 704 85 51 54
電子郵件:[email protected]
自1977年以來,Stena RoRo一直在領導新型海上RoRo、貨物和客運概念的發展。我們提供定製船舶,以及標準化的RoRo和RoPax船舶。該公司向全球運營商租賃約15艘船舶,既包括其他Stena公司,也包括第三方運營商。Stena RoRo主要擅長利用其技術專長設計和生產新船舶,以及改建和技術運營現有船舶,以爲客戶提供量身定製的運輸解決方案。我們稱之爲"Stenability"。自2013年以來,我們負責設計和完成Mercy Ships的新醫院船「全球仁慈號」 - 這是世界上最大的民用醫院船。該船於2021年交付使用。

Brittany Ferries是一家總部位於法國Roscoff的法國渡輪公司和旅行社。該公司是由布列塔尼的一個農業合作社創立的,旨在向英國出口蔬菜。第一次渡輪航行是從Roscoff到普利茅斯,時間是1972年1月2日,就是英國加入EEC - 歐洲經濟共同體,也就是歐盟前身的第二天。貨物主要是朝鮮薊和花椰菜。當最大的市場是希望探索布列塔尼和後來的諾曼底的英國遊客時,公司迅速擴大了規模,增加了更多船隻和航線。Brittany Ferries目前運營着連接法國、英國、西班牙和愛爾蘭的14條航線。在正常年份,該公司年銷售額約45000萬歐元,運送約250萬乘客和20.5萬貨運單位。該公司仍然主要由法國農民擁有,得到了布列塔尼和諾曼底地區的支持,並自豪地宣稱是法國最大的船員僱主。

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The following files are available for download:


Stena RoRo takes delivery of RoPax vessel Saint-Malo with strong focus on sustainability

Saint-Malo - Brittany Ferries

Public area - Breizh Ma Bro Bar

Luxury cabin

Sun deck

Stena RoRo接收具有強烈可持續發展關注的RoPax船舶聖馬洛

聖馬洛 - 布列塔尼渡輪

公共區域 - Breizh Ma Bro酒吧




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