
Suzano Q3 Sales $2.21B, Up From Prior Year Due To Higher Net Average Pulp Price, And Higher Sales Volume

Suzano Q3 Sales $2.21B, Up From Prior Year Due To Higher Net Average Pulp Price, And Higher Sales Volume

Benzinga ·  10/25 05:34

Suzano's net revenue in 3Q24 was R$12,274 million, 79% of which came from exports (vs. 80% in 2Q24 and 75% in 3Q23). In relation to 2Q24, net revenue increased 7% due to the appreciation of the average USD against the average BRL (+6%) and higher sales volume (+4%), partially offset by the lower net average pulp price in USD (-4%).


The 37% increase in consolidated net revenue in relation to 3Q23 is mainly due to the higher net average pulp price in USD (+23%), the appreciation of average USD against average BRL (+14%), and the higher sales volume (increase of 6% and 9% in the pulp and paper segments, respectively).

相對於第三季度23年,綜合淨營業收入增長了37%,主要是由於美元淨平均紙漿價格上漲了23%,美元相對巴西雷亞爾的升值 (+14%),以及更高的銷售量(紙漿和紙業部門分別增長了6%和9%)。

